Plan B~Chapter 16~

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Okay so this is going to be the last chapter I write in a while. I'm going to rehab and I might be away for a week or 2. When I got beat up, they saw the scars on my wrist and they did a catscan and they saw I had bulimia because my stomach was damaged. I'm really really sorry but I PROMISE that when I get out, I will update MUCH MUCH more and it will be MUCH MUCH longer.

Also, For my readers who read 'Save me' and is currently reading 'See you again', A very good friend of mine is writing 3 chapters on it for me. Intoxicated_Clifford to be exact <3 She is a real sweetheart for doing this so even if you haven't read 'Save me' or 'See you again' can you please read it and show her some love please?

I love you all and I will update soon but until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Dedication to DebbieDebbs because she is amazing and so sweet and super funny omg I love this person and if you don't, you need pills for it because something is obviously wrong with you.


Back to the story :)

unedited (sorry im in pain so oops)

Luke's P.O.V

I ran and ran towards Ashton's house, hoping...pretending he was okay. Once the house was in sight, I ran faster. When I was close enough, I noticed that the car that sped pass me when I got shot that day was in Ashton's driveway. Son of a bitch.

Once I got there, I ran up the steps and brust through the door. I started looking for Chase and didn't take long for me to find him, In Ashton's room, inches away from the bed Ashton hid under.

"What are you doing here?" I asked calmly. I wanted to beat the living shit out of him but I couldn't. He couldn't know that I knew what he did to Ashton.

"Nothing. Looking for Ashton, I'm friend." He said. He is not a very good all.

"Well, the little twat isn't here." I lied. God, I hope Ashton knew this was an act.

"Why'd you call him that? Aren't you two, toghther?" He asked.

"Not anymore. I cut him off."


"This is Ashton Irwin we are talking about, why not?" I fucking hate myself.

"Ha, yeah right..well then why are you here?" Shit.

"I-I um..I left some of my things over here when we were toghther. I need 'em back." I'm so awesome.

"Oh alright. Well, I'll get out of your way then." He said as he walked towards the door but soon stopped.

"Oh and tell Ashton, if you see him that I have a problem he needs to take care of." He smriked. When I realised what he was talking about, I nearly thrown up.

"I will. Later." I said dismissing him and he nodded as he walked out of Ashton's room. As soon as I heard the door close, I sighed loudly.

"Ashy?" I said and as soon as I did, he climbed from under the bed and ran to me. I took him into my arms happily as he cried, shaking a bit.

"T-t-thank y-you." He cried.

"Don't worry about it babe, I love you. I won't let them hurt you again. I love you so much."

I felt like he was going to say it back but couldn't when another vocie spoke up...

"Aren't you two cute?" I turned around quickly and when I did...I was I hadn't. Everything was ruined now. I couldn't save Ashton. I coudn't save myself. I couldn't do anything.

"Bad Boy, Ashton." My father said as he inched toward us and I couldn't do anything about the pain that would come our way...

Well, there was one thing I could do. One thing.

But would we make it out in time?

Would we survive?

What would happen to Ashton & I?

Would Michael apporve? Would Calum?

Ugh, so many questions unanswered in my mind but only one thing matters at the moment. Ashton.

I had to save Ashton. I had to get him out of here. I had to.

So, Plan B it is...

We're gonna run away. But sadly,

We had to get pass my father, first.


YEAH IT SUCKS IM SO SO SORRY UGH FORGIVE ME AND OMFG ITS SO SO SO SHORT x Okay so I'm leaving in, 2 hours or so I will try to update again because I know that if I leave you guys, not knowing what will happen to Ash and Luke, you'd kill me twice with forks so :p





~Toticakes xx

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