Remember~Chapter 22~

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Hello so I had an asthma attack today so a double update may or may not happen idk but I'm gonna try my hardest. Love you all x

Dedication to alexistomlinson77 :) She is a good friend of mine and she loves 1D so yeahhh


Back to the story :)

Luke's Dad P.O.V (omfg this will be something huh?)

We walked out the house and took my car. I swear, being in the same room with Luke made me wanna gag..Mostly Michael but I had to do this. For Calum.

I started my car quickly and made my way to the hospital, they must have noticed...

"Where are you going?" Michael asked. God, I hated this kid.

"The Hospital."

"Why?" Luke asked.

"I need Calum's help. He is the only one who could take us to Ashton-"

"Wait, I thought you already knew!" Luke yelled.

"Look! There are 3 places that he might be but I don't know which one! If Calum can tell me what the car looked like, I would know then so just calm your shit-" I was interupted by a gun being pointed to my head.

"Watch your fucking mouth!" I heard Michael yell. Luke grabbed his arm, calming down.

"Chill Mikey..we need him." He said. Michael brought the gun down and sat back in his seat.

"Look, You can see Calum. But you stay at least 6 feet away or I won't stop Michael next time."

I nodded. Shit that was close.

I stopped at the hospital and walked inside with Luke and Michael right behind me. The nurse tried to stop me to look at my busted up face but I ignored her and continued to Calum's room.

Once we were there, Calum was awake, eating cookies and watching T.V. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. He began to panic but stopped when he saw Michael and Luke.

"W-what i-i-is he doi-ng here?" He asked with fear. It hurt to know he was afarid of me. Michael went up to him and grabbed his face, making him look at him. Face to Face.

"Look baby. I know you might not want him here but trust me..It's the only way to save Ash." He said sweetly to him.

"Please Cal. I need to find Ash." Luke added. Tears left his eyes as he nodded. He slowly turned to look at me..

"What do you want?"

I looked him with hurt in my eyes but soon answered...

"I want you to Remember."


Sorry babes, this was super short and I AM SORRY! I will try my hardest to update again soon or even maybe today idek yet tho <3 :p

Yayy :) I love updating and I'm very happy today. My bullies are not at school plus my girlfriend said the sweetest things to me and my day just can't be ruined!

Thoughts on Luke's Dad?

Thoughts on Malum?

Think they're gonna get to Ash in time?

Love you




~Totcakes xx

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