Chapter one

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Samantha's POV

"Get in there, brat" I stood completely still, not even moving my big toe.

"You can't force me..." The police guard shook his head at me.

"You are a convicted criminal, I choose what you do in here. Your parents don't want you. Now i suggest you do as I say." This time, I doesn't argue. It was true. My parents didn't want me. They had thrown me into the stupid asylum before I even had time to protest. The night it happened, my parents had thrown all of my belongings into a single suitcase, thrown me into the car and brought me here. I stayed silent and allowed the guards throw me around until I was in my cell.

"You'll be sharing with a young lad called Dominic Harrison" I scoff, sounds delightful. I whip my hands away from the guards and go and sit on the rather uncomfortable looking bed. As I sit down a cloud of dust rises, indicating it hasn't been washed for several months. The guard shuts the door and I am immediately overwhelmed by the sudden deafening silence that now surrounds me.

This is my life now, I think, better get used to it.

I sit in silence for about an hour before I hear footsteps down the corridor. A young man, no older than 20, appears in my site.

"Who are you?" He questions, looking me up and down.

"I'm Samantha, Samantha Turner." I turn away from him, "And you are?" I say dragging out the e's.

"Dominic, Dominic Harrison"

After that, me and Dom spoke for hours on end. Talking about nothing in particular. It was nice to talk to somebody that understood.

"So Dom, how did you end up in this place?" Dom smirked,

"Well, Sam. You wouldn't understand. It isn't a story for the faint hearted"

"I pushed a toaster into my sisters bathtub... I'm not faint hearted"

"You have a good point. Well, I grew up with a really homophobic father and one day he came home and saw me kissing my best friend, who was a male. He said that if he ever saw me kissing him again he would shoot me in the head. So when he was sleeping one night, I pushed him down the stairs and tied him up and locked him in the shed. This is the worst part. I then went back into the garden and made him watch as I had sex with my best friend." My mouth grew wider and wider every time he said something different. "Whats the whole story then Miss Turner?"

"Well. My parents always wanted a daughter. They had a son instead. One day whilst he was bathing they pushed a toaster into his bathtub and laughed as millions of volts of electricity ran through his veins. A few years later they had me and 7 years after that they had my sister. One day whilst I was babysitting my sister, I decided that she was annoying me. I watched as she went up the bathroom and whilst she wasn't looking I pushed the toaster in. Unluckily she survived with only minor injurys." Dominic looks at me, the shock evident in his eyes.

"Note to self: Don't annoy Sam" I laughed at his joke and looked at the time realising it was now 11:50.

"Well Dom, we should get some sleep. I don't want to wake up late and annoy the guards" He nods.

"Well, goodnight Sam" I smiled.

"Goodnight, Dom"

I drifted to sleep that night feeling happy.


Chapter one is done! Let me know what you think :)

This story is based off of YUNGBLUD's new song. If you listen to the lyrics, verse one includes Dom's story and verse 2 includes Sam's!

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