Chapter 7

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Samantha's POV

When I woke up Dom was gone, as per usual. I wonder what that boy gets up to that requires him to leave so early. Today was the day that the asylum let your parents visit you. My parents hate me so I won't be getting a visitor. I might as well just lie in bed all day.

"Samantha Turner" I hear somebody say at the door. I groan,

"What is it?" 

"May I come in?" I sigh,


"It's Remington" I get out of bed and look at him, 

"The guards locked my cell when Dom left, he went to see his parents. Go round the back and you'll see a window. I'll open it, climb through it when you see me open it." He gave me a nod before pulling his hood over his eyes and running round the back of my room. I saw Rem's face through the window so I opened it and he climbed it.

"How is the great Samantha Turner?" 

"I'm good, I hate parents day already. My parents will never come, they hate my guts after what I did." I look at him with a questioning look on my face, "Why are you in here by the way? I don't think I ever asked?"

"Well, I used to be really depressed. I cut myself on a regular basis and was drawing out plots to end it all when my parents found the drawings and panicked. They didn't know what to do so they sent me here. To be honest, I think they only did it for the free therapy." I look at him and hug him tightly,

"I'm so sorry that happened." He smiles,

"It was a long time ago, don't worry" He looks at the time on my wall, "Ah, my brothers should be here in a few minutes. Would you like to come and meet them? The asylum lets me call them everyday and I talk about you quite a lot since you're pretty much my only friend in this hell hole. They'd love to meet you"

"Sure!" We join hands and walk down to the main hall where all the meetings were happening. I see two tallish men waving at Remington. One of them was wearing a hat over his short brown hair. When Remington noticed them waving, he ran over to them and gave them both a huge hug. I trail behind him.

"Guys, this is Samantha. Samantha this is Emerson and Sabastian." They smile widely at me before taking me into their arms. Their whole family are good huggers then.

"It's nice to meet you both." I say,

"We've heard so much about you. Rem never stops talking about you. You're his best friend. Thank you for looking after him when we can't." I smile widely at them and they take me in their arms again. 

After 30 minutes of talking to them I finally say,

"I'm going to go and find Dom. I'll catch you later Rem, see you soon boys!"

~20 minutes later~

After looking around for a while, I finally find Dom standing with a woman. I hesitantly walk up to him.

"Hey, Dom" He smiles,

"Give us a minute mum" He takes my hand and leads me to a corner of the room, "Recovered after last night, huh?" I laugh,

"Yeah... Sorry if I did anything weird or wrong." He goes red and gulps,

"You tried to strip for me." I go red and gulp,

"I am so so sorry. God never let me get drunk again." He laughs,

"It was an experience. My mum's gonna leave me in 5 minutes so she can go and pick my dad up from work. Why don't we go and grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria?" I smile,

"Sure, I'll go and pick and spot and wait there for you." He nods and turns to go and walk to his mum but before he gets too far he turns back and comes up to me. He hesitates for a second before leaning up to me and kissing me for a second. Before I could say anything, he had already gone.


I've been sitting in the cafeteria for around 10 minutes and all I can think about is that kiss. I have a million questions whirling in my head. Did something happen last night? Does Dom like me? Do I like Dom?

I haven't even thought about the possibility of me liking Dom to be honest. He's a great friend. God knows what I'd be doing if we hadn't met. He's sweet and cheeky. He's attractive as anything. Damn, I guess I do kinda have feelings for Dom. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now tho, not after what happened with Brendon. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I see Dom walking up to my table,

"Sorry it took me so long, my mum wasn't quite ready to leave." I didn't react. I just looked at him with a blank face before saying,

"What exactly happened last night...?" 

"Well, we got drunk. You asked me if I've ever done a strip tease. I said no and then flipped the question back on you. You said yes and started to strip... I stopped you before you managed to show me anything except your stomach."

"Wow." It was silent for a while. Dominic kept looked into my eyes and then back down to my lips. I wasn't sure how I was feeling. The thought of kissing him made my heart race. So, I did what any logical human being would do. 

I kissed him.

The kiss was soft at first but soon turned into something more. I crawled over the table, not breaking the kiss once so I could be next to him. His hands were roaming my face. I placed my hands underneath his shirt, his skin was cold. Our lips moved in perfect sync and as we embraced each other our body's fit perfectly. I was in a state of pure bliss. Neither of us wanted to break this moment. Dom's tongue swiped across my lips. I granted him permission into my mouth. Our tongues fought for a few minutes before we finally broke apart. 

Dom looked at the clock on the wall,

"I really really like you Samantha and I know we haven't known each other for long but I want to get to know you."

"I really like you too Dom and I do want to get to know you but I'm not ready for a relationship. Not after what happened last time..." He sighs,

"Give me a chance? I promise I will treat you like a princess. To the highest degree I can in this hell hole anyway." I thought for a second, "How about we act like we're dating for a week and if you don't like it we don't have to date for real but if you do... Well if you do, we can give us a chance?"

"Why the hell not." I say before taking him in my arms and kissing him once again.

I guess this was the start of Dom's trial period.

I start school tomorrow so updates may slow down but stay tuned! I want to try and update at least twice at a weekend. I love y'all <3

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