Chapter 16

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I look over at Dom. Last night was certainly eventful. It was around five in the morning and everywhere was completely silent. I smile, my life was finally good. There was a knock at the door. I tap Dom on the shoulder, "Whats wrong?" He smiles.

"Someone's knocking at the door..." He shudders at the thought. They knock again, this time more violently. I thought they were going to knock the door down. Dom struggles into his trousers and I struggle to get into my dressing gown. 

"Uh.. We won't be long..." I stutter. I'm so terrified. "Dom?" He hums in response, "What if the asylum have found us?" 

"If they have, they'll have to pay for us. They won't take you away from me. They won't take our baby away from me. I love you too much to let that happen." I smile slightly. "Come here" Dom continous. He holds me tightly until he was sure I had stopped shaking. He lightly pecked my lips. 

We both walked hand in hand into the living room and Dom slowly opened the door. It was Emerson.

"Oh my gosh, Emerson? What are you doing here?" He hugs us both tightly but then his smile drops and he suddenly looks sad,

"I would love to stay and catch up with you but I have some bad news..." He trails off. I look at Dom and Dom puts his arm around, pulling me closer to him. 

"What is it?"

"It's the asylum... They came round to my house in the early hours of the morning. They're looking for you, Dom, Rem and Melanie. They said if they find you you'd all be separated from each other and put into different asylums all over the world. Sam, they know you're pregnant. If they find you and you had your baby, that baby would be adopted. You'd never see it again." Tears fall from my eyes, "You need to leave the country before they put your faces on wanted posters, run away. Go to spain or France or Italy. Just anywhere... Anywhere thats not the USA."

"Emerson... You'd never see your brother again..." He nods sadly, 

"I'd rather never see him again than see him go into that place again... He loves you guys and he needs you Sam. He needs you and Melanie and believe it or not even Dom..." I nod sadly and look over at Dom. Dom is just standing there. There is no colour in his face what so ever and he is shaking. Shaking badly. I hold him tightly. We all need each other, now more than ever. 

"Does Remington know?" He nods,

"I stopped at his and Melanie's place earlier. They were as sad as you were but they understand. Remington said he'll come over later and you can all book plane tickets together, buy a house somewhere nice that you can all live. Me and Sebastian will come on regular visits we promise. We'll need to come and see your little one. We've all been so excited to meet them." I smile at them,

"I'm sure our little one would love to meet their uncle Emerson and uncle Sebastian" He tears up even more after my comment,

"I should get going. I don't know if anybody followed me here so its probably best if I leave before anybody realises I'm gone. Before I go I have some gifts for your baby..." He pulls out two little baby onsies. One that says 'My uncle taught me my mischievous tricks' and another that says 'messy hair don't care'. I smile. 

"Thank you, Emerson.. We will both really miss you." Dom looks sad,

"As much as I hate to be a softy.. We will definitely miss you mate." They pull each other in for a hug and then Emerson pulls me in. 

"Get out of here as soon as possible. You'll be okay I promise..." 

"We love you, Em" He nods before hanging his head low and walking out of the door. 

As soon as he leaves I bury my head into Dom's shoulders and sob. I sob harder than I ever have before. All of my biggest fears have come true but we must leave. We will be safer away from here than we are in the USA. 

2 hours later there was another knock at the door. I was no extremely paranoid but I knew exactly who it was when they pulled the spare key from the top of the door frame and unlocked the door. Remington and Melanie come through the door. They lock it behind them and Melanie grabs a chair from the dining room and pushes it up to the door- latching it under the door handle so nobody could even attempt to get in. Remington runs and closes all of the curtains he could possibly lay eyes on. 

"No time for catching up. Lets book these plane tickets and be out of here. Me and Rem have already packed our suitcases." Remington says,

"We were thinking about moving to England. That way we wouldn't have to learn a whole new language?" Melanie declares. I look at Dom,

"I quite like the sound of England. What about you babe?" Dom smiles,

"I was brought up in England. Doncaster to be exact."

"Then lets go to Doncaster. Melanie, you and Rem book the soonest tickets you can to get to England. We will have to stay in a hotel for now but that's fine." We smile at each other and Melanie grabs out her laptop and starts searching. Me and Dom run into our bedroom and start shoving everything we can get our hands on into our small suitcases, we didn't have many belongings anyway.

"England, huh. Never thought I'd end up back there again. We moved to the USA when I was 10 or 11... That's when I lost my accent." I smile,

"We'll be safe in England."

"I know we will." We hug and finish packing our things up. We didn't have a landlord. We owned the house ourselves so we took the keys with us.

We walk back into the front room and Melanie looks at us,

"We're getting a direct flight to Doncaster Sheffield airport, it'll take 12 hours to get there."

"That's great! When's the flight?"

"4 hours"

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