Chapter 18

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We've lived in Doncaster for 7 months now and I can't imagine my life being any better. Today was the day of mine and Dom's gender reveal. 

"Are you ready to see if we're having a little boy or a little girl?" Dom nods and takes me into his arms. Ever since we found out that I was pregnant, we knew how we were going to dress. Dom was going to dress in all blue and I was going to dress all pink. Stereotypical, I know but it'll be a good thing to remember. I looked into my wardrobe and pick out a baby pink skater dress that my mum brought me before everything happened. My bump was getting big but I could pretty much fit into it still. I paired the pink dress with a pair of black boots and a pink ripped denim jacket. Dom was wearing a blue marilyn manson shirt with a pair of blue and black checkered bottoms. He paired them with his black Dr Martens and a leather jacket. 

"We look good" I say before snapping a mirror selfie of us both and sending it to Melanie. Only a few people were coming to the gender reveal. Pretty much just Remington, Sebastian, Emerson, Melanie, Jamie (a new friend of mine and Dom's) and Adam and Michael (Dom's school friends). Everybody had to come in the colour clothes (pink or blue) that corresponds to the gender they think our baby is. We were having our gender reveal in the park next to our apartment complex.

I look at Dom, "Have you got the balloon and the envelope with the scan photos in?" Dom nods and smiles at me before kissing me on the cheek.

"You stay here. I'm going to go outside and see if everything is set up in the park." I kiss him and push him out of the door. I'm really hoping today will go perfect.

Whilst I wait for Dom, I sit on the sofa and scroll through my instagram. So much has changed since we moved to Doncaster. Emerson has been saying that the people from the asylum have been looking for us everywhere. I'm so glad that they still have no idea where we are. I smile to myself silently before I post the photo of me and Dom on my instagram story. 

"Everything is ready, baby. Are you ready to go?" Dom says when he re-enters the apartment.

"I sure am!" I jump up from the sofa and link arms with him. We both happily walk down the stairs towards the park. When we get to the door, I take a peak at the set up of the party. I gasp. Dom has set up multiple tables with various types of food on them, a photo booth is situated in the corner of the park and a stage is set up in the middle of it all. The stage has multiple banners on it saying 'Am I a girl?' (PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE GETS THE POPPY REFERENCE) and 'Am I a boy?'. I jump with joy and hug Dom, "Thank you so much for all of this!"

"Samantha!!!!" I hear. I turn around to see Melanie wearing a pink puff sleeved shirt and a pair of pink distressed jeans. I run up to her and hug her. 

"Team girl for life" She smiles. I see Remington appear behind her also wearing all pink.

"We have a present for you!" He says, I smile at him before opening the box. Inside the box was two sashes, one saying 'mummy to be' and one saying 'daddy to be'. I grin widely and hug them both before pulling the sashe over my head and pulling the other over Dom's.

"I'm so excited to find out the gender!!" 

"Me too girl!" Melanie shouts back at me.

"Long time no see..." Someone says behind me. I instantly recognise the voice as Emerson. I turn around to see Emerson and Sebastian both wearing blue. I scream and hug them both, "I've missed you both so much!" 

"We have too! Wheres the baby daddy then?" I look around and my eye catches Dom, who was standing talking to Adam, Michael and Jamie. Adam and Jamie both wearing pink and Michael wearing blue. 

"There he is." They smile and walk over to Dom. I walk back over to Melanie and snap a few pictures with her and Remington before posting them on instagram. 

"Ready to pop the balloon?" Dom whispers into my ear. I nod and take his hand before following him up onto the stage.

"The time has come to find out the baby of our little angel!" I shout into the microphone. Everybody screams.

"Actually before we do that I have something that I want to do..." He nudges his head towards Adam and Michael and they come walking up onto the stage, guitars in their hands. Dom holds the microphone before he starts singing softly,

"We got the love but they put out the fire..." I stare at him in awe. I don't even know how long I've just been standing there. The next thing I know, Dom gets down on one knee and pulls out a diamond ring. He looks me in the eye and sings,

"I love ya, will you marry me?" Everything goes silent. I look over at Melanie and she looks the same as me, in pure shock. "So, will you?" He says, hope glistening in his eye.

"YES!" I scream. He hugs me and puts the ring on my finger. In that moment, I had forgotten all about the asylum.

"Time to find out the gender!!!" I scream into the microphone. Dom hands me a needle and I brace myself before looking around at everyone. I push the needle into the balloon and coloured confetti comes flying out. Our baby is a girl.


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