Chapter 17

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"Woodland airport please"
The taxi driver nods at us and starts driving. I look at Dom and smile.
"When are you due?" The taxi driver says,
"8 months, my due date is September 23rd" I smile at them, even tho they can't see me. Dom grabs my hand and squeezes it. That was possibly the first time I've told him when our baby was going to be born. I turn to look at Melanie and Remington. We smile at each other. Considering we're practically running away once again, we are all pretty happy.
"Whose the father?" I point at Dom and laugh,
"This one" The taxi driver laughs,
"Well we're just around the corner, thank you for your company. It's good to have a nice chat every now and again" I smile at her and nod.

~Skip a few hours~

'Flight 243 to Doncaster Sheffield airport final boarding will commence in 5 minutes. I repeat flight 243 to Doncaster Sheffield airport final boarding will commence in 5 minutes.' 

I look at Dom and smile. I then look at Melanie and Remington and link arms with them. 

"Ready to do this?" I say.

"Yes!" Everyone says in unison. We all smile and take out our passports. They still said our real names but we were hoping that nobody knew who we were yet. They will soon tho.

"Passport and boarding pass please" The lady at the boarding gate says. I smile at her and provide her with what she needs. She smiles at me, "Samantha. What a lovely name" 

"Thank you." I say as we exchange another smile,

"You're free to board!" I nod at her and walk into the tunnel leading the plane. Dom, Melanie and Remington follow close behind me. We were all sat relatively close to each other. Dom is at the window seat, I'm in the middle and Melanie's next to me. Remington is sat in the row next to us. 

~SkIp To AfTeR tHe PlAnE rIdE~

I step of the plane and take a sigh of relief. Me, Dom and our baby are finally safe. We're renting out one of Dom's friends houses until we can all afford a house to live in. Dom walks beside me and puts his hand on my stomach,

"We should really book you in for a scan... I need to know if our little one is ok" I look at him. His face was full of worry.

"How about as soon as we all buy phones I'll ring the nearest hospital and book me in" I smile at him. Dom nods and looks at my stomach,

"I'm so excited. I can't believe after all that time we spent together in that stupid asylum we finally get to have a family. In my hometown!" We walk hand in hand around the airport. Melanie and Remington have gone to find food for us all so me and Dom have some time to talk.

"Have I ever told you I used to sing?" I look at him and shake my head, "When I was 19, I made a song called "King Charles" I made it about how bad the government is and how they steal money and make everybody's lives trash"

"Please sing for me sometime..." He nods and cups my face with his hands,

"I will, I might start singing again." I nod frantically. He just stops and smiles at me before leaning into me and softly kissing my lips.

"I love you" I say with a smile,

"I love you too" Dom says.

"I love you three but we got pizza!!!" Melanie screams from somewhere in the distance. We both laugh.

"Ready to go to the house? We can eat the pizza there?" Melanie fake cries and then laughs, 

"Sure, lets go!"

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