Chapter 5

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*before I start this chapter I just wanted to say a little something about this photo. As I said in one of the previous chapters, I saw Dom just over a week ago at Leeds Festival 2019. The photo linked to this chapter is a photo taken by an official photographer at Leeds Festival. This photo (as silly as it seems) makes me so happy*

Samantha's POV

I am woken up by guards the next morning. I'm slowly getting used to this place. The vibe isn't as bad as it seems, sure it may be a little cramped and everybody here is a psychopath but I sort off feel at home. I think the person making this place so home like is Dominic. We get along so well. We may have only known each other for a short amount of time but we've really bonded in that time. I may even stretch as far as to say he is officially my friend. 

My thoughts are broken when I feel Dom stirring beside me. I look over my shoulder at him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. 

"Oh my gosh, Sam. I'm so sorry I fell asleep here." I laugh slightly.

"It's really no problem." Dom looks up at me with an extremely red face. He scrambles out of the bed sheets before running into the bathroom. 

Dom's POV 

Lately I've been feeling strangely towards Sam. I've been noticing the little details about her. The way her straight, auburn hair makes me want to run my fingers through it. The way her soft green eyes draw me in. I can't be catching feelings for her can I? I've only known her for a week or so. I'm sure I'm not catching feelings. I'm Dominic Harrison. I tortured my dad. I don't catch feelings. I've only ever fallen for one person and she ended up breaking my heart. 

"Are you alright in there?" I hear Sam's angelic voice say,

"Uh, yeah" 

"Can you hurry up? I need to use the toilet." I run my hands through my hair,

"Just give me a second..." My voice trails off towards the end. I really don't want to go out there and face her. She does strange things to my heart and I can't cope with it. I grab my black hoodie and place it over the asylum 'uniform'. Before I  leave, I make sure that the hood is pulled securely over my eyes so I can't see her. I open the door and practically dart out of the cell, heading in a random direction. I decide to skip lunch and head towards the quiet area. In situations like this, I usually go for a walk in the 'garden' but its been closed off since last week somebody tried to climb over the garden wall to escape. 


Samantha's POV

Dom's been acting odd. I haven't seen him since he ran off this morning. I've just been sitting in our room, messing with my nails. I'm not in the mood to leave the room and be sociable today. When we were emitted, we were allowed to bring something that remind's us of home. A load of rubbish if you ask me, why would I want to be reminded of that? Anyway, I brought a notebook and pen since an old hobby of mine was writing. That's what I told the guards anyway. I really brought the notebook so I could plot my plan to escape.

I flick through the notebook and manage to find a blank page, i take the lid of the pen and write: 

Sam's unicorn party plan

that's not what it was but I can't really write that it was my plan to escape. I then drew a picture of the front doors. When I was on my walk last night I noticed that nobody guarded the doors after 3AM so that could be my chance. Halfway through drawing the number 3, Dom walked in. He took one look at me and sighed,

"Everything okay Dom? You look stressed out?" He smiles at me,

"I'd like to get to know you better" I was slightly shocked by this but after I while of thinking I finally reply,

"I'd like that too." We smile widely at each other. I motion for Dom to come and sit next to me on the floor. We sit opposite each other,

"Got any vodka?" Once again, I am shocked by the statement.

"Uh, yeah. I snuck some in. I have cups too." He smiles at me,

"I'm thinking we play a game. We will both take it in turns to ask a yes or no question to each other. If the answer to the question is 'yes' you drink a shot of vodka. If the answer is 'no' you leave the vodka as it is." I smirk.

"Oh it's so on Dominic Harrison."

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