Chapter 10

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The next day when I woke up, I saw Dom wasn't in bed. I couldn't be bothered to get up and look for him so I lay back down until i heard the cell door open.
"Hi Dom"
"Hey sweetheart. I need to talk to you about something, come with me" He takes my hand and tells the guard to take us to the courtyard. When we arrive the guard leaves us alone. Dom turns to me and smiles,
"Let's run away. Let's get out of here and go and find a new life." I think for a second. Since i've been here my life has been utter hell (besides Dom). It would be nice to get my life back but surely if we ran the police would be after us and we'd end up being searched by the whole town. That sounds quite fun. What the hell.
"Let's do it."
"Let's do it tonight." I nod. He grabs my hand and we run back into our cells. We had no money. No phone and no home but we will figure it out.

When we get to our cell I grab all of my 2 belongings and shove them into my coat pocket. I managed to sneak in a new clean pair of clothes.
"Frick!" I shout.
"What's up"
"I have therapy in 5 minutes!" I grab my ID card and run out of the cell down the hallway towards the therapy room.
*skip to after therapy*
As I'm walking out of therapy I spot Remington. I wave at him and he comes jogging over to me.
"I need to tell you something, Rem"
"What's up?" I pull him closer to me and whisper in his ear,
"Me and Dom are running away from this stupid place. Tonight. And I want you and Melanie to come." He looks alarmed, "Please Rem, you are literally my best friend and I need you to come."
He thinks for a second,
"I'm in. What time do I need to come to your cell for? I'll pass the message to Melanie."
"The guard usually falls asleep at around 12am so around 12:30?" He nods before waving me goodbye.

As I continue my walk back to the cell, I think about everything that has happened since I came. So much has happened it's unreal. But tonight I finally get to have a life with my 2 best friends and my boyfriend. How amazing does that sound.
"Hello sunshine." I say as I enter the cell. Dom greets me with a kiss and a tight embrace.
"Are you ready for tonight?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!"
*TIME SKIP TO 12:30am*
It's nearly go time. The guard had fallen asleep prior to 12am (like I said). Me and Dom we're both dressed in all black. We were only awaiting Melanie and Remington. I hear a quite knock on the door followed by a faint,
"It's Rem and Mel." I open the cell door as quiet as I possibly could. I stole the keys from the guard earlier in the day so I could do this.
"We are going to escape out of the our on-suite bathroom. Is that okay with everybody?" They all nod.
I guess this is it.

Dom fits through first. Then Remington. Then Melanie and finally me. We begin running.

Goodbye nightmare asylum.
Hello freedom.

I honestly feel like i'm dragging this on a bit but hey ho! It's finally getting good!!!

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