Chapter 21

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Samantha's POV

I haul my heavy suitcase in the back of the taxi. Me and Dom were finally getting away from reality for a weekend. 

"Ready to go, baby?" Dom says smiling like a Cheshire cat. I nod and smile back at him. He grabs my hand and holds it tightly. We begin to walk but soon enough, Dom stops.

"I have some exciting things planned for us this weekend." I look up at him and start to jump around,

"Tell me! Tell me!" He shushes me and shakes his head before leading me into the taxi. For the rest of the taxi journey we stay silent except for Dom mumbling an 'I love you' every now and again.

*Time skip*

As we leave the taxi I breath a sigh of relief. Me and Dom could finally be a normal couple without other people potentially knowing who we are. We check into our hotel and as we walk into our room I scream in awe. Rose petals lined the way to the bed and the smell of chocolate filled the air.

"This is amazing, Dom! Did you know that this is what was going to happen?" He smirked at me before kissing me roughly. The kiss got heated and Dom pushed me onto the freshly-made bed before climbing onto of me and trying to take off my shirt. "Easy tiger. You know we can't do this. The baby won't thank us." He kisses my head and climbs off of me.

"I know..." He checks the time on his watch before looking up, "We're scheduled to be somewhere at 7 meaning you have 3 hours to get ready." I look up at him,

"How do I dress? I didn't bring anything too fancy!" He kisses my forehead ones again.

"Just be yourself, my princess" I smile at him,

"I'll be in the bathroom if you need me" He winks at me before blowing me a kiss which I sarcastically catch and place it on my heart. I grab a towel out of the hotel wardrobe and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower to allow it to warm up. I decide to play a bit of Cavetown, he always calms me down. I scrub my hair with shampoo and conditioner before hoping out of the shower.

"I am such a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great. You are such a fool to keep pretending that your loving me. I don't know, where I'm supposed to go..." I sing along to the song playing over the speaker. I start putting on my makeup before realizing that I don't need it. Since the asylum I've been trying to practice self-positivity since I've basically always hated myself. I decide to do a face mask instead. I run back into the hotel room with just a towel wrapped around my body.

"Everything alright, babe?" I look at him,

"How long?"

"2 and a half hours, why?" I run to my bag and grab my bottle of face mask before running back into the bathroom. I spread the face mask over my face and sigh in relief. While I'm waiting for my face mask I had time to curl the tips of my hair. I put on my pink maxi-dress and look in the mirror. I looked cute.

"Hey Dom. How do I look?" His eyes almost pop out of his head,

"You look amazing. God I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep my eyes off of you!" I smile before poking him,

"Time for you to get handsome, honey"


Me and Dom walk hand in hand down the streets of London. 

"Care to tell me where we are going?" He shakes his head,

"You'll see honey" 

As we walk, I take the time to reflect. Our baby will be welcomed into the most ugly world but with many beautiful people. I look up to see a queue of people in front of us. Dom spins me around to face him,

"This, my angel, is our destination." He spins me back around to reveal a sign which reads 'the play that goes wrong'. I scream in delight. I've wanted to see this play since it started. I turn around to face Dom and I hug him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He laughs and smiles.

We get in and take our seats and I enjoy the best night of my life.

I saw the play that goes wrong last month and it was truly amazing. I really recommend it to anybody who wants a good laugh!

Sorry to be slow with updates. I'm currently extremely busy with school but I have a week off next week so expect at least 2 or 3 updates throughout the week! For any Palaye fans, I'm seeing them on Sunday! If you're going too comment so I can potentially meet some of you!!


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