Chapter 8

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Samantha's POV

Since Dom started his 'trial' period, he's been acting awfully cheesy. Every morning he wakes me up by plastering kisses over my face and telling me how much he loves me. It's cute. I'm a sucker for it, I admit but I never thought that Dominic Harrison. The Dominic Harrison. Would be this cheesy.

I've been in therapy for about 15 minutes now and I'm extremely bored. I've just been thinking about everything that's happened since I've got here.

"Miss Turner? Are you listening to me?"


"What did I say then?"

"You said I need to focus on my emotions and start telling you how I'm really feeling deep inside" She hummed,

"So tell me dear, how are you really feeling inside?" I think for a moment.

"I guess I'm fine. I don't like this place but I do deserve to be here after what I did. I feel like my family hate me but I really want to be able to talk to my parents but I can understand why they don't want anything to do with me. I miss my old life." She nods and writes some things down in an orange notepad,

"How is being here making you feel"

It carried on like that for quite a while.

~45 minutes later~

As I walk out of therapy, I see Dom standing outside,

"Hey sunshine" I smile and lean up to kiss his lips,  "How have you been?"

"Bored" I simply reply with. He laughs. "Wanna go and get food"

"Sure" We join hands and walk to the cafeteria. We don't make much conversation in case somebody hears. 

Before we reach the cafeteria, we hear a scream. I turn around to see a short red headed girl getting pulled away from the guards, blood covering her face. I gasp,

"I wonder what happened there." He sighs,

"Who knows." I stop and turn to him before joining my lips to his. Our lips move in sync for a while before he breaks the kiss and runs back to our room. I'm trailing behind him. When we get to the room he shuts the door and pushes me against it before joining our lips again. Things get a little heated as we violently make out. I push him over to the bed before getting on top of him and taking off his shirt. He slowly takes off mine and I push him down before slowly grinding down on him.

"Hey guys, I was- WOAH" We hear someone scream from the door before leaving, "I guess I'll wait outside then" I scramble off of Dom and grab my top before throwing it back over my head. Dom just lies there. 

"You can uh come in now..." We see the figure walk back into the room, red faced. It was Remington. "Hi..." He waves back awkwardly.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your hair straightener..." I pull a box from underneath my bed and hand him my gold plated hair straightener. "Thanks... I'll be off now..." We nod at him before he leaves.

It's silent for a while before I finally break the silence,

"Well that was awkward..."

"Mood killer" I hear Dom mumble.

"Food?" He instantly shoots up and grabs my hand before dragging me down the corridor toward the cafe.

I'm sorry this is so bad lol. It's just a bit of a filler. I've had a busy week since going back to school last Thursday so even at the weekend I didn't get a great deal of time but I'm officially going to start pre-writing chapters when I get the chance so I can publish on Friday and Sunday of each week! I'm supposed to be revising for my chemistry test tomorrow but instead I wrote this so you're welcome <3

After you've read this you some read a book by my amazing boyfriend:

'We could be together' by @tomembling 

It is another YUNGBLUD story and it is 100 times better than mine so go give it a read if you would like! (You'll regret it if you don't!)

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