Chapter 20

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Dom's POV

I've been sitting on my bed and thinking for a while now. Just sitting here with a pen and a piece of paper. I suddenly had a motivation last night to make music. I know making music is risky since I'm basically a wanted person now but I want to try. Samantha has been distant lately but I think that's the baby talking. I want to write something that makes Samantha happy. Something that makes me happy. Something for the baby to listen too when she's older. 

After who knows how long of just sitting here I finally come up with an idea.

'Honey, we want your money..' I whisper. That doesn't really sound too bad.

'Get out your wallets and give us your money...' I smile. Finally I've been able to come up with something. Even if its only small part. To be honest, that sounds like a good chorus, it just needs something a bit extra.

'And you might as well throw in your foal?' No that doesn't sound good.

'And you might as well throw in your mole?' Even worse. My eyes light up as I write something down on the paper. I finally have something that sounds good.

'And you might as well throw in your soul..' I smile. I'm proud of myself. I sit there smiling at myself before Sam walks in. She smiles at me.

"Whattcha smiling at?" She says running over to me and grabbing the paper.

"Honey, we want your money. Get out your wallets and give  us your, money and you might as well through in your soul." She looks at me. "Dom thats amazing!" She kisses me passionately. I smile even though I knew she was acting a bit odd. 

"Any reason why your finally loving me again?" I say. She blushes and tries to hide her face, "No hiding your face, baby. Just tell me what you want and you'll get it" She smiles,

"I want some chocolate and a McDonalds..." I laugh and stand up,

"Your wish is my command." I grab my jacket and kiss her on the cheek.

"Oh and the baby wants a slush puppy!" I nod and grab my phone. I walk along the street until I get to McDonalds. It isn't too far away from our home, only around a 3 minute walk.

I order at one of the machines and I decide to grab something a little extra for me too. As I'm ordering my Big Mac I start to notice people around me whispering to one another and pointing at me. I do a full 360 spin but I can see so many of them now. I'm starting to get paranoid now.

"What the hell do you all want! Think it's funny to laugh and point at a random stranger. Well it's not! Leave me the hecc alone!" I scream before walking over to the sauce stations and filling the little containers full of sauce. I then walk over to everybody who was pointing and pour the sauce over their heads. 

"You're that kid from the asylum. Ran away with your little girlfriend did you? They'll take you back. We all know who you really are. You're nothing but a psychotic kid. You don't deserve to be here." Before I could process what was happening, my hand collided with the mans face. I gasp and run away from them. 

As I'm walking home, I can't help but feel a weird sense of guilt wash over me. I really thought that there was nothing wrong with me but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I am just that 'psychotic kid from the asylum'. Maybe I'm not fit to be a father or a husband at all. I drag my feet until I get to the corner shop. I should probably get Sam her slushie tho... or she'll probably do what I've just done to them guys to me. I put my hood up and walk into the corner shop. I grab a slushie cup and fill it up with a mixture of red and blue slushie and then I grab her a dairy milk bar. I even grab her a face mask and some non-alcoholic cider to help her relax. I just want Sm to be happy, even if I can't be. I take them up to the counter to pay.

"That'll be £7.50 please young man" I smile at the man and hand him the money before grabbing the bag, "Have a good day."

"You too dude."

I drag my heels all the way home.


When I walk into the house Sam runs and jumps on me.

"Baby your home!!" She kisses me all over my face. I can't help but laugh at her.

"Your chocolates in the bag" She runs over to the bag and gets it. She then runs back to the sofa and lies with her head on my lap. We turn on netflix and decide to watch 'Anne with an E'. About 30 minutes into it I look down at my stunning girlfriend.

"Sam?" She looks up at me,


"How would you like to get away for the weekend? We could go on a weekend trip to London? If you say yes, I'll book the tickets now" She sits up and nods her head vigorously.

"Yes! Yes!!" She hugs me, "Go book it!"

I log into my computer and check for the cheapest hotel for 3 nights. The only hotel that was available was only available Thursday to Sunday. I smile and book it,

"We leave tomorrow. We come back on Sunday!" She hugs me again. Boy am I glad to get away from the hell that is life.

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