Chapter 13

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After finding out I was pregnant, I just sit on the bathroom floor. What have i done to myself? It's not that I don't want a life with Dom, I do, I'm just not ready. Me and Dom are Criminals. That's a fact and if they find out I've got a baby... They'll take them off me and I'll never see them again.
I sigh as I get up from my spot on the flooring and wipe myself off.

When I get back to our house, I see Dom standing there anxiously biting his finger nails.
"Where have you been? You said you were going to the shops but you've taken over an hour!" I sigh.
"I'm sorry baby. I got sidetracked" Dom looks at me when I say this,
"Everything okay?" I nod before embracing him.
"I should get ready for our date then I guess!" His mood perks back up,
"Go! Go! Go get ready!!!" I laugh and walk into the bedroom. I'm not really sure what to wear to this sort of thing because I haven't been on a date in so long. Last time I went on a date I ended up spilling Prosecco all over his lap and then laughing at him. Hopefully this time is better. I get in the shower and as I'm washing my hair I hear someone enter the room.
"It's just me" He replies, "I need a shower myself"

Dom gets into the shower with me and smiles. He reaches behind me and grabs a bottle of shampoo.
"Rub it into my hair?"
"Of course baby" I say back. I grab the shampoo bottle and do as he says. Then I step back and let him wash it out.
"I'm done now anyway so how about I go and get dressed" I smile.
"I'm not done with you yet" He says as he pulls me closer to him.

Now that I've washed, dried and curled my hair I feel like it's time to get dressed. I haven't got many clothes since we escaped. I have enough tho. I decide to wear a black and white chequered skirt and a plain black turtle neck with some knee-high boots. I look in the mirror, not looking too bad. I put my hands on my belly. It's crazy to think that a baby is growing in there and Dom doesn't even know yet. I should probably tell him tonight. Or tomorrow. Or never... No I should do it soon.

My thoughts get cut off when Dom walks into the room, "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be" I reply with a smile.

Can I just say THANK YOU FOR 500+ READS!!! I really didn't think this book would even get past 100 reads so thank you so much!!! Keep voting and commenting because that's what motivates me to continue updating! Thank you all <3

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