Chapter 19

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Melanie comes running onto the stage and hugs me tightly. Soon everybody does the same. Everybody gathers around me and Dom hugging us. We hear a camera shutter and we see Adam taking a photo to remember the moment.

"I can't believe your having a little girl! I can't wait to spoil her with pretty pink dresses and makeup!!" Jamie screams. I smile at her. I was beyond happy in this moment.


Everybody had gathered back in mine and Dom's flat. Nobody has stopped smiling since Dom proposed.
"Sam?" I hear someone call from behind me. I turn around to see Melanie.
"Hey Mel! What's up?" She smiles sheepishly,
"Can we go baby shopping tomorrow?" I nod. She smiles back at me,
"Sure. It'd be nice to get some clothes and furniture for my princess... wait. Mel? are you pregnant?" I look at her, puzzled. She smiles,
"No! You silly goose! The only thing i'm pregnant with is all of that food at the buffet" I laugh at her.
"I really hope that my baby can grow up feeling safe. I hope she won't ever have to feel like we won't be around anymore. Me and Dom, we'll try and look after her but what happens if we get taken back to that horrible place?" She hugs me,
"That won't happen. Dom! Come here!" I look confused and give her a puzzled look.
"What's up?" Dom says,
"Sam thinks that you'll get taken back to the asylum. She's scared that your baby won't have a happy life" Dom looks at me with a sad expression.
"Let's not think about that tonight, baby! It's our angels night. Let's go play some games!" He drags me into the living room.
"Ok everyone. Now that we know our angel is a girl I want you all to place your baby name ideas into a hat. Me and Sam will rate them all and then tell you our ideas." I smile at the idea. Dom runs into the kitchen and comes running back in with 7 pencils and bits of paper. He then hands them to everyone before grabbing a hat and running out the room again. He returns, wheeling in a black board (that I didn't even know we had) with some chalk attached. I smile and take a seat. Everybody starts scribbling down their ideas.
"Everyone done?" I say. Everybody says a collective, yes. I walk around and they scrunch each other their bits of paper up and place them into the hat. I nod at Dom before picking the first bit of paper out. The paper had the name 'Winnie' on it. I smile at the name.
"The first name is Winnie" I say whilst writing it on the board, "I'm going to guess that Jamie wrote that. It is her middle name after all" Jamie laughs,
"Guilty" She says. I rate the name 6 out of 10 and Dom rates it the same. I pick another name out of the hat.
"The second name is Electra" I smile and look up, "That name is bloody wicked Seb" He laughs.
"I'll rate that a 8 out of 10" Dom says as he wraps his arm around me. I agree with him.
"The third name is Rosie" Dom says quietly, "Nice one Rem!" They high five each other."
"I'm gonna give that one a 6 out of 10"
As the game goes on we have discovered Melanie's name was 'Angelita', Emerson's name was 'Echo', Adam's name was 'Millie' and Michael's was 'Ashley'. My personal favourite was Angelita but Dom really liked Electra. It was time for me and Dom to announce our ideal baby names.
"My ideal baby name is Meadow Angelita Harrison. I really like that name because I think the name Meadow would remind our child that she is free and she has this beautiful green world to enjoy. Angelita was obviously because of Mel tho" I say whilst laughing. It was Dom's turn.
"My ideal name is probably Electra Echo Harrison. Purely because those two names sound wicked together!" I smile and kiss him hard for a few seconds.
We spend the rest of the night talking and laughing.

Surprise! Filler chapter :)

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