Chapter 15

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'Laura? Where's your brother?'
'I'm not sure mommy, can we play barbies now?' I smile at her.
'Go get your barbies then, I'm gonna look for Tommy' I look around the house before I see Tommy outside on the front garden. I run out the door to him.
'Tommy, what are you doing?'
'I'm going to the shop mommy, look!' I look down at his hand to see a 10p coin and a 20p coin. I smile at him,
'Ok then but be safe when you cross the road, remember look left and right and if a car is coming don't cross' I give him a hug and he waves goodbye at me. I watch as he crosses the first road perfectly but then he looks back and realises that he dropped his 20p so he runs back into the road, not caring that a car is driving towards him at an extremely high speed.
'Tommy, get out of the way!' I yell, he doesn't hear me. I run towards him but it's too late. The car got him.
I wake up panting and sweating.  I tap Dom.
'What's wrong love?' he mumbles, I just flop into him and cry into his shoulder. He holds me,
'It'll be ok. I promise.' he repeats over and over again, 'I'll be back in a second.' he kisses my head and leaves the room.
I just sit and think for a while, why would I dream about things like that? Is that going to happen to our child? I sure hope not. I breath shakily before closing my eyes, trying to calm myself down.
Dom comes back into the room with a cup of water, a hot water bottle and my childhood teddy bear.
'I thought these might comfort you' He says sheepishly, I smile slightly and hug him again,
'Thank you hun.'
I wake up to Dom's eyes burning into my head, I smile at him and he grabs me and puts his lips on top of mine. I kiss him back and he pulls me on top of him, I'm in control. He kisses down my neck leaving soft marks as he moves down. A tiny moan leaves my mouth and I move my hips back and forth, feeling him grow excited.
'Dommy?' I say, he moans in response, 'Can we go and get some food? I'm starving.' I get up off of him and walk to the kitchen,
'You little tease' I hear followed by a growl.
I walk up to fridge and get out some butter, jam and eggs. I then move to the cupboard and grab some toast.
I make the breakfast in completely silence, waiting for Dom to come out of our room. I place the toast in the toaster and whisk the eggs together with some milk and put them in the microwave. That's when Don comes out and grabs me from behind,
'What do you think your doing?' He demands an answer,
'Making breakfast' I squeak.
'No your coming with me to finish what we started' he growls at me before kissing me once again and leading me into our bedroom...

this is probably the worst chapter i've ever written but i tried. i have complete writers block and at the moment i feel like the chapters i'm writing aren't great. if anybody has any suggestions on what i can do to improve please leave them in the comments!
stay lovely and look after the earth

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