Chapter 24

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I was now 9 months pregnant and my due date was only a few weeks away. It had been arranged that I could have Dr Avery as my midwife which I was pretty happy about. Emerson and Sebastian were also going to be there to see Meadow when she was born. I was pretty excited about it. I looked at Dom through the window and I saw him sleeping. I tried to stand up from my bed but when I did I noticed a wet patch on the bed where I had been lying. It couldn't be? Could it? I stand up and wave for the staff member patrolling the halls to come to me.

"Can you please get Dr Avery? I think my waters just broke." He nods frantically and runs down the halls towards Dr Avery's office. I pace the room nervously, no point in telling Dom yet. I could've just wet the bed for all I know. Dr Avery comes running my room with a wheelchair in her hand.

"Get in, you need to come with me. We will tell Dom that your going into labour when we know for certain but for now hurry up and come with me!" She says frantically. I get into the wheelchair and she wheels me into her office, "Oh leave her alone will you. I'm sure she doesn't want to be surrounded by security staff when she gives birth!" She yells at the staff and they move away.

"Jackson?" I say to the man who got Dr Avery for me,

"Yeah?" He says turning back around to me. It was only now that I got a proper look at him. He was a tall, skinny man with shaggy blonde hair. He had a nose piercing and black nail polish covered his nails (and fingers).

"Can you get Dom for me? And don't be a stranger! It's nice to have someone new to talk too" I smile at him before he smiles and walks out of the room.

"Ok so I can confirm that you are 5cm dilated and in slow labour, we'll be inducing you in around 3 hours if you haven't naturally started by then."

Dom comes running into the room, "You're in labour?!" I nod and he runs over to me excitedly.


I was now 8cm dilated and getting slight contraptions every 5 minutes or so but nothing too painful yet. Dom had fallen asleep again and we were waiting for Emerson and Sebastian to get here. I hadn't seen them since we moved to England so I was pretty excited. I do miss Melanie and Remington but it's too risky for them to come.

"You have visitors, Miss Turner." I turn to look at the door and I see Jackson standing there,

"Let them in" I say, smiling at him. He nods and leaves the room to let them in. I see 4 people walk into the room. I see Em and Seb and two others that I don't recognise.

"Emerson!! Sebastian!!" They run up to me and hug me and I'm immediately happy.

"Are you ready to meet your uncles, little Meadow?" I say looking down at my stomach. They smile and hug me once again before turning to Dom.

"Oi" They say, he wakes up.

"Ayy! Seb, Em hows it going?" They smile at him and hug him too. I turn back to the two people who I didn't recognise but it suddenly dawned on me who they were.

"Rem???? Mel???" I say and they nod before shushing me. They looked so different. They also walked up to me and squeezed me tight. I could feel a painful contraption coming on so I squeezed them even tighter. They squeeze me back.

"Mel? Are you pregnant too?" She nods and rubs her stomach and I screech, "How many months?!"

"1 and a half!" She smiles and I screech once again,

"Meadow will have a new friend!" She nods.

*Skip 2 hours*

"Ok you're 10cm dilated and you should be starting to feel more painful and more frequent contraptions" I nod as I feel one coming on, I grab Dom's hand and wait for it to go away, "Good girl, well done."

Dr Avery walks out of the room again and we all just chat for a little while before she comes back and says, "You're baby is in the correct position to be born. Are you ready?" I nod.

"You can do this..." Emerson says,

"You're the strongest, bravest girl I know. This will be fine I promise." Sebastian says, Melanie just grabs my other hand.

"You'll be absolutely okay I promise" Remington adds.

"I love you so much. At the end of this we will have our baby girl with us..." Dom says before grabbing my hand and kissing the top of my head.

And then I push.

I push until I physically can't anymore. My vision is clouded by my sweat and I look around to see Dom crying.

"You did it." He says whilst sobbing his eyes out.

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