Chapter 9

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Samantha's POV
"I love you, Dom." He stares at me before laughing hysterically, "W...what?" He laughs again,
"Did ya really think a guy like me, would ever love a delusional girl like you?" I'm shaking violently, sweat is pouring out of me. I try to hold back the tears and stay composed,
"W...w...well, I though w...w...we were starting to fall for each other..." He laughs again for a few seconds but then he just stares,
"Wait, your being serious?" I nod slightly, "As if. You really are a sociopath."

I wake up panting and sweating. I've been having dreams like these for the past few weeks now. I look over my shoulder and see Dom sleeping peacefully in his bed. I get out of bed and slowly open the cell door, a guard already waiting for me. I tell him I need the toilet and he nods, letting me follow him silently. When we arrive, I run into the toilet and splash my face with water before looking at myself. I truly am a mess. I let myself slide down the wall. This is really what my life has come too: nightmares about a guy I have (for some reason) fell for and constantly feeling depressed. Sometimes, I wish I had a family that I could call and tell them about my day and how I've been feeling. But I can't. I've ruined everything between us and It'll never be the same. I sigh and put my head in my hands.
There's a knock at the door,
"Hello? is anybody in there?" a soft, almost relaxing voice said. I clear my throat,
"I'll only be a second." I try to dry my eyes the best I can before opening the door. I see a girl with half black hair and half blonde hair.
"Are you ok?" I laugh a little,
"Not really"
"Wanna talk about it?" She smiles, I cave in. I tell her everything from what I did to be here and everything with Dom and Remington. Afterwards, she smiles,
"Wow that really is a lot." I nod, "I'm Melanie, I assume your Samantha?" I nod.
"Well, I'm always here if you need me. Why don't you bring this so called Dom to the cafeteria and we can all get to know each other"
"That sounds lovely" She waves and walks into the bathroom. I look at my guard,
"What's the time"  He shows me his watch. 6am.

As I walk back to the cell, I see Dom sleeping peacefully, or so I thought he was. I try to creep back into bed as quietly as I can.
"How come you got up" Dom says,
"I'm sorry baby, I had an awful dream and I went to the toilet. I met a girl called Melanie tho! She's been here for 3 years." He smiles warmly at me,
"Back to sleep?"
"Nah" I say as I climb on top of him.

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