Chapter 11

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All I can think right is run. I don't know how long we've been running for or how long left we have to run but we have no other choice. It's run or get caught. We all run down an alley way and stop to catch our breath.
"I think we need to change our appearance." I say. They all nod.
"My brother knows how to change appearances quite well." Remington says rather confidently. We all nod at each other before running after Remington.

When we reach the Kropp house we are all sweaty, panting messes.
"Let's just get in, yeah?" We all nod. Remington unlocks the door and sneaks in.
"What in the name of holy hell are you all doing here?!" We all laugh but I cower away.
"We ran away" Remington shrugs. "Anybody want a beer?" We all nod.
"Why are you all here? You know if mum sees you she'll freak."
"We want to change our appearances" I say. He nods,
"I can do that, sit down Samantha."
"wow" I say. I now had fluorescent pink hair, green contacts and I wore 3 piercings in my nose and ears. I looked like a new person. We all looked like new people.
"I hate to cut this short Seb, but we must go" Remington says sadly. "I'll visit soon I promise..."
"Stay safe baby bro..." Sebastian says sadly. We all nod before running once again.

Very quickly we realised we were hungry but nobody had money.
"Look, lets go into that cafe. Nobody knows us here but we do need to get as far out of town as we can. And soon." Says Dom. We all agree with him, "But first, food." He says. Everybody cheers.
"Can we have 3 burgers, 1 bowl of fries and a large pepperoni pizza please" Melanie says enthusiastically. She loves food.
"Table number?"
"33" She smiles sweetly. Melanie can get away with anything.

We all scoff down the food and look around. Nobody is looking so we do what we all believe is right.

We run again.

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