Chapter 12

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It's been a year and so much has happened. We got split up from Remington and Melanie a while ago and haven't seen each other since. It's just me and Dom. In our own little world. I have no idea how we've managed to stay under the radar for so long but we've done it. We've now rented out a flat in the shady corner of town but it's ok. To us it's home.

Living away from the asylum with Dom has been a dream. We wake up together. Cook Together. Shop together. Watch movies together. Sleep together. It's just the best thing you could imagine.

"Are you awake, baby?" This made me snap out of my thoughts.
"I'm awake" I turn around to face him.
"How did you sleep?" He smiles and kisses me on my lips briefly,
"I slept great" We share a warm smile between us. It's like this most days. Full of passion and love between us. I truly love it.
"Got anything planned today?" I say whilst smiling. He shakes his head and gets out of bed,
"Probably just hanging around here. Nothing much I suppose. Are you doing anything?" I nod.
"I need to run to the pharmacy, I haven't been feeling great recently. All it'll be is some tablets. I'll literally be half an hour or so." This wasn't completely true. I'd been throwing up every morning and I feel so energyless. Oh yeah, and i've also missed my period this month.
"Need me to come with you?" Dom says,
"No, I'm alright thank you" I smile. I rise from the bed and get dressed.
"Oh. Sam?" I turn around to face him, "We're going on our first date tonight." I run up to him and jump on him,
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"
"Easy tiger" We laugh.
"I'm so excited!" This was the truth. I really was.
As I walked into the pharmacy to buy my supplies. I picked up some paracetamol and a few pregnant tests. We still had no money so I hid them in my handbag and made a run for it.

I keep running until I find a bus station toilet. Not the most sanitary place but it'll do. I take the test. I think for a while, this test could change my life. This test will basically decide my entire future. This could be the turning point of my life.

When I think about it tho, it does sound nice. Having  a mini version of me and Dom running around the place, playing around with all their toys. I've always wanted this future and it's finally what I'm getting. It makes me so happy but so terrified at the same time. Especially since the asylum are lurking around every corner.

Time for the moment of truth I guess. I look down at the test.


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