Chapter 4

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Samantha's POV

I find myself walking around the asylum aimlessly. For what it is, this place is huge. So far, I have counted 6 bathrooms/ shower-rooms. 2 for men and 4 for women, which is a bit sexist if you ask me. 

I'm about halfway through my walk when a bell rings meaning everybody has to be back in their room. 

'oh well, I'm gonna keep walking. Who cares what happens?' I think.

I continue to walk at a slowish pace before finding myself face to face with a very attractive guy. I begin to panic, he obviously notices it.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm trying to avoid being taken to therapy. I'm sorry if i startled you. I'm Remington" He holds his hand out for me to shake. I'm weary at first but soon decide that it would be nice to make some friends here. I take his hand,

"I'm Samantha, nice to meet you Remington" I smile widely at him. 

"Please, call me Remi" I smile at him again, "It was nice meeting you but I really need to skiddaddle, like I said I'm trying to avoid therapy" 

"If you ever want to avoid therapy again, come to room 37B and we can hang." He shoots me a genuine smile before running down the corridor once again. 

I continue my walk before I see Remington being chased by some security guards. I run up to them before saying,

"Ah! Remi, there you are. Sorry sir, I was just trying to find Remington so we can walk to therapy together. Sorry for the misunderstanding, we'll be on our way now." I grab his arm before walking towards my room.

"Thank you for that, you really saved my butt." 

"Don't mention it."

~A few hours later~

Me and Remi had been playing cards for around an hour when Dom finally returned to the room,

"Dom, finally! This is Remi, Remi this is Dom." They smiled at each other before Remi turned to me,

"Thanks for saving my butt tonight, I must be going back to my room or else my roommate will wonder whats going on. Goodnight Sam, goodnight Dom. See you soon" He hugs us both and then leaves the room, checking for guards before he officially leaves. 

I yawn and look beside me to see Dom already sleeping next to me. I decide not to wake him and I turn to face away from him so it isn't as awkward in the morning. 

Little did I know that this was the best nights sleep I would ever experience.

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