Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV

"Oh it's so on Dominic Harrison"

Me and Dom have been playing the drinking game for around an hour now and we are both pretty drunk. Dom looks at me before saying,

"Have you ever..." he hiccups, "...drank to forget about your problems." I think before giggling drunkly and taking another shot of vodka. He high fives me.

"Have you ever... Oh, I know! Have you ever done a strip tease?" He stays completely still, "You've never done a strip tease?!" He shakes his head. He gulps,

"My turn. Have you ever done a strip tease?" He turns the question back on me. I drink the vodka without hesitation. His eyes go wide and he gulps again. We don't say anything for a while. We just look into each others eyes. I get up and begin to lift my shirt up. I sway my hips to side to side in a sort of mesmerizing way. I'm seconds away from exposing my breast when Dom stands up and quickly pulls my shirt down.

"What are you doing?" He says, obviously sobering up quicker than expected.

"I was giving you a treat, Mr Harrison." 

"Well don't." He says before sighing, "You're drunk, Sam. You'll thank me for not letting you do that in the morning." I yawn.

"Cuddle me?" I say. I stick my bottom lip out at him and he sighs,

"If I must." He laughs and lies down next to me. I rest my head on his chest and he puts his arm around me, pulling me close to his body. 

"What's your favourite colour, Dommy?" He laughs and I look up at him, "I'm serious. I want to know every little detail about you." 

"You're drunk, Sam. You won't even remember it in the morning." I go to argue back at him but I'm silenced when his soft lips lock with mine. Our lips move in sync and you can tell that neither me nor Dom want this to end. The chemistry is undeniable. The kiss is full of passion. I roll over to get on top of Dom when he breaks the kiss. I whimper at the loss of contact. 


"What?" I say confused,

"My favourite colour. It's pink." I giggle before returning to my original position. Dom plays with my hair,

"Can you sing for me? My mum used to sing to me when I was little. It helped me sleep." He smiles,

"Of course." I close my eyes and wait.

"Locked me in a room since I was young

I've never seen a morning sun come up
I'm employee of the month at a Ritalin club
Yeah, why do you think I'm so messed up?

They don't know where I am, I don't know where I am
I don't know where I am
I don't know where I am, don't know where I am
Don't know where I am..."

 And with that I was asleep.

It was strange but I could've sworn I felt Dom kiss me on the head before he got up and left me alone in my bed. 

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