Chapter 2

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Samantha's POV

It was 7 in the morning and time for breakfast. The guards woke me up at 6:30 and told me that it was mine and Dom's time to shower. I couldn't be bothered to shower so I told him to leave me alone and went back to sleep. I am now late for breakfast. My 'cell' door has been open for 10 minutes and will be closing in 20. I quickly slipped on my bunny slippers and trudged out of my cell.

It was a breakfast buffet so I grabbed a piece of toast and a cup of water and sat down next to Dom.

"Someone woke up late" He laughed,

"Well what can I say. I like my sleep" I replied. Dom looked at me and smiled before going back to eat his hash browns and bacon. We didn't talk much for the rest of breakfast. We sat in comfortable silence.


I had a therapy session at 3pm and then a medication review at 5pm. In my opinion, therapy is a load of rubbish. It doesn't change me. Medication review is also rubbish. They make me take my medicine in front of them so they know I'm taking it. Overprotective if you ask me.


I was halfway through my therapy session, when she asked me the dreaded question, "Have you had any invasive thoughts since that night?" I sighed. Truth is, I have. Every night. But alas I replied with, "No." She gave me a confused look and wrote something down on her clipboard. I gave her short replies after that. I can't be bothered with this rubbish. I just want to go home.

I had the urge to skip medication review. I feel like I could easily do it but with guards everywhere I didn't even want to try. 

I sat down on the hospital bed in the middle of the room and waited. The room was full of locked medication cabinets, different peoples names written on each of them. Tubes of god knows what and pipes of oxygen lined the walls. Posters about how important taking medication was were scattered around the room. It was only minutes before Dom walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" He smirked,

"I'm stalking you" I pretend to be shocked, "I'm kidding. I have to do this stupid review with you. We do it with or roomies." 

"Oooohhh" I look at my hands, "This is a load of rubbish. I don't need medication. I just need my sister dead."

"Don't let them hear you say that."

"I hate-" Before I could finish my sentence a large, bold man walked into the room.

"I'm Charlie. I'll be doing your medicine review." He says. He looked bored. Like he had somewhere better to be. But so did we. "So, Dom you know the drill. Here's your medication, take 2 of each."

"Yeah, yeah." He said before swallowing back the tablets. 

"Show me you've finished them." Dom opened his mouth and lifted up his tongue as if he was a child at the dentist.

"Samantha. Here's the drill. I will give you your tablets. You are on 4 different types since your incident it relatively recent. You will take 2 of each. You will then show me you have taken them all and then you will be escorted back to your room with Dominic." I nod. He gives me the tablets and I take 2 of each. I don't protest once.

He then escorts me and Dom back to our room. We don't talk for the rest of that night.

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