Chapter 3

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Dom's POV
it's been 3 nights since i've properly spoken to Samantha. she seems like your typical, private teenager. she doesn't share much, only when she needs too and she'd rather be alone. i thought that we were getting along quite well but we haven't spoken since her second day here. the only time we really see each other anymore is when we have to do med review together. she doesn't even stay in this room anymore.

currently, i'm walking to the cafeteria to get some lunch. as i turn the corner i can see Samantha sitting with 'Merida Goldlove' and 'Josie Gardener'. Josie had got thrown in here 3 years ago when she turned 16 for attempting a drive-by on her ex-boyfriend but since she couldn't drive, things didn't end how she wanted them too. Merida was a different story, she was more mysterious. nobody really knows the true story of why she's in here but rumour has it that she tried to stab her mum in the stomach. nobody knows why. Merida came here 2 years ago, when she turned 17 and nobody really speaks to her, besides Josie who is her best friend.

"hi, Samantha" i say trying to sound friendly, "hi Josie, hi Merida." they all smile at me but only Samantha says something back,
"Oh! hi Dom, how have you been?" she turns to Josie and Merida, "I'll catch up with you both tomorrow!" she stands up from her seat and joins me, we smile at each other.
"i've been alright." she smiles but soon smirks in a mischievous way,
"i've been thinking..." she starts, "what if we devise a plan to get out of this place? the plan could have 6 phases, each one working to slowly get us out of here without getting caught. what do you think?" i think,
"i'm not really sure that's going to work Sam"
"ah okay, will you at least consider it?" i pull a 'thinking' face and nod.
"great! well i must be going, i have therapy in around 5 minutes and i'll get murdered if i'm late. catch you later Dominic!" and with that, she leaves.

so, i was ready to give this book up but since seeing Dom at Leeds festival last weekend it inspired me to continue it! i hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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