Chapter 23

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*The song linked is one of my faves at the minute, it doesn't relate to the chapter but I recommend listening to it*

We've been back in this stupid asylum for a week and I'm already hating it. This place gave me serious depression and I finally got over it when we escaped but now, it's all back. The only things keeping me going are Dom and Meadow-Electra. Today was the day of Meadow's last scan meaning the next time we see her will be when we meet her. 

"Ready to go?" I ask Dom through the window. He smiles and nods at me. I put my hand up to the glass and blow him a kiss which he catches. I do miss being able to physically touch Dom but this is as good as we'll get for now. I watch as Dom gets strapped into a straight jacket and lead to the doorway of my room. The door gets opening and I get strapped up as well. We get lead to doctor attached to the asylum who greets us with a warm smile.

"Good morning guys! Samantha, I hope you're well." I smile back at her and she looks at the staff holding us back, "Oh come on guys the poor girl is going through enough as it is, let them free. She needs physical affection or it might harm her baby." She looks at me and winks, I can't help but smile widely. The staff slowly unstrap Dom and I from our straight jackets and we immediately embrace each other in a tight hug. 

"You can leave now. I can handle them." The staff nod at her and leave. She looks back at us, "My name is Dr Avery but you can call me Sabrina." I shake her hand and she shakes Dom's, "How are you feeling about your pregnancy? Any issues?"

"Not that I know off." I say with a slight laugh. Dom grabs my hand and kisses my cheek.

"This will be cold." I nod and she applies the cold gel to my stomach. As soon as I see our little baby on the screen, I forgot all about the asylum and all of this mess. I look at Dom as a tear slips out of my eye. "She's a healthy weight, everything is looking healthy, healthy heartbeat etc.." She continues to examine our baby on the screen. 

"I can't believe that shes really ours..." Dom says in shock.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" I look at Dom and we both nod in unison.

"Meadow-Electra Harrison" Her eyes widen in shock,

"That's such a unique name! How did you come up with that?" Dom starts to laugh,

"Well..." He starts, "...I wanted to call her Electra but Sam wanted to call her Meadow so eventually we came up with Meadow-Electra..." She nods and passes me some tissue to wipe my stomach with.

"Now, there is something I need to warn you about." Me and Dom sit up straighter and listen to her closely, "Since Sam has been off of her medicine since Meadow-Electra was conceived and has now started taking them again, your baby might be born early which could cause some complications. It's nothing to worry about, it just means that your baby may have to stay in here with me for a few extra days so I can check she is alright." We nod and Dom squeezes my hand tighter, "We have also agreed that when your baby is born you and Dom will be transferred to an asylum that is more suited for your child. The only thing is that the asylum is in Australia..."

"That's ok. As long as my Meadow doesn't get taken away from me." Dom says frantically. I nod in agreement.

"That'll be all then. I'm always here if you need to talk, I know you aren't the biggest fan of your therapist." I laugh and she waves to us. She leaves and Dom immediately grabs my face and kisses me passionately for a few seconds.

"What was that for?" I laugh,

"I don't know when I'll next be able to do th-" Before he could finish his sentence the staff come back in and strap us up again. I struggle to stay out of my room for a few seconds,

"I love you! So much!" I shout down the hall and as I'm pushed into my room I can hear a faint 'I love you too!' in the distance.

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