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Chapter Two: breaking the first curse

Chapter Two: breaking the first curse

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❝Where's Victoria?❞

Emma Swan leant next to the boy she had only met weeks ago, the boy she had abandoned. Her son. Henry Mill's lay in a hospital bed, his life slowly fading away after biting into a cursed apple. Over the past few weeks, Emma had learned to love the eleven-year-old she learned to accept him as her own and now she was losing him. The blonde choked back sobs as held her son's hand and brushed the hair from his sickly pale face. Tears fell onto everyone in the hospital rooms cheeks. Losing Henry Mills would be heartbreaking to everyone. "I love you, Henry." Emma leant down towards the small boy as he lay lifeless, and for one last time, she placed a small but meaningful kiss on his forehead. 

For the first time in twenty-eight years, the people of Storybrooke felt magic, all because Emma Swan believed in who she was, the saviour. The eleven-year-old boy gasped for air as his life rushed back into his small body, "I love you too mom," He replied as the rosy colour flooded back to his cheeks. "You saved me." The mother and son smiled at each other, both overjoyed at the sight of each other, "You did it." Regina Mills, or more commonly known as the Evil Queen, said in shock.  "The Curse." The boy said as he sat up alongside his birth mother, "I think you broke it." 

"What do we do now?" Mary Margret, Snow White, smiled at her husband, "Now we find our daughters." The two nodded. "So it's true?" Emma Swan said as she stood behind the two people who were her parents. Tears fell onto Snow's cheeks as she held her one of her daughters in her arms. "You found us!" She sobbed. But David stood back confused slightly before joining in with his small family reunion. "Grandpa?" The small boy of Henry Mills questioned which caused Snow White to laugh. "Yeah, kid I suppose so." David chuckled before hugging his grandson. "She did it, she saved you!" The two parents smiled before looking around. "Ria," Charming mumbled, which caused him and his wife to look around, "Where's Victoria?"

Victoria Charming followed in the footsteps of her mother. The fairest of them all. Her raven hair flowed perfectly down her back and the light wavy texture framed her ivory complexion perfectly. What stood out the most where her ocean blue eyes, ones she shared with her twin, but she didn't know it. 

Victoria Pan rested her head on the shoulder of her brother, "Peter?" She mumbled, with a hum in response she continued, "My curse, the one that made my parents want to abandon me. Can I get rid of it?" Peter Pan sat up he looked the girl in the eyes, "Why would you want to get rid of it? The Curse makes you, you Ria. Don't you like using your magic?" Ria nodded towards the boy in green, "Well yes, but what if I didn't have this magic, maybe my mother and father would have kept me." This caused the lost boy to chuckle, "Your parent, the boys' parents, everyone's parents. They don't want children. And when they get a chance to abandon them they do." Ria sighed, "But mayb-" Peter shook his head, "No Ria, your parents didn't want you because of your curse. I took you in, as a baby. I raised you! Because whether your cursed or not, your special. And the boys and I saw that. And even if someone could rid you of the curse, you shouldn't want to, because that curse makes you, you. Without it you're normal." Victoria smiled, "And I don't like being normal." Peter Pan ruffled his sister's hair before standing up, "Why don't we play a game with the boys?"

Henry Mills sat in one of the booths in Granny's dinner alongside his mother and grandparents. "Prince Charming fought bravely to protect his two girls." The boy read as he flipped through the pages of his storybook. "As the curse approached," Henry flicked through a few more pages, "Ah here." He then mumbled. Emma, Mary Margret and David leaned closed looking at the illustration. Two black knights holding a baby and a shadow lurking in the corner. "Princess Victoria was taken from the dangers of the curse by a shadow." Prince Charming and Snow White sighed, "Yes Henry, but where? Is Ria safe?" Henry flicked onto another page. A different illustration showed the shadow flying towards a blurred island, carrying the baby that was wrapped in the white blanket with a red ribbon. Henry shook his head, "No one knows where the little Princess went." He read. 

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