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Chapter Eight: Long Lost Princess

Chapter Eight: Long Lost Princess

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❝we will find you❞

After casting a small sleeping spell on Henry Mills, Pan turned to his only Lost Girl, "I need you to stay here." She paused, "Why?" Peter Pan shook his head, "We need someone to watch Henry." Ria shook her head, "No way. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you can put me on babysitting duty! Get one of the boys to do it!" A sigh was heard, "You're so stubborn." Pan mumbled as he walked away. "I've been told I share the same thing with my twin," she mumbled to herself. 

Pan's camp was unusually quiet as Ria and the Lost Boy's awaited their signal. Not even the crackle of the fire was heard, nor was the chirping of crickets. "Let's go," Felix announced, causing the boys to jump up. Ria glanced to Henry who was laying across the hard floor. She let out a sigh before flicking her wrist, causing her baby blanket to appear. She smiled, "Ria come on!" Felix called back for the Lost Girl. She shouted a quick, "coming." before she darted off into the jungle. 

Ria Charming's eyes were on Pan the whole time, she had a plan. "Maybe your spell was wrong Regina." a voice said, a voice Ria knew. She smiled at the name Regina, as she now knew she was metres away from her family. "Yes, blame me. Again."

The Lost Girl crouched slightly, smiling as she caught sight of her father. "Wait?" The blonde said, "Is that? Henry!" Ria's blue eyes danced around in wonder as she looked at the blonde, her sister. Her twin sister. "Hi, Emma," Pan said as he turned around, a smirk etched on his face as he had fooled the Heroes. "Where the hell is Henry?" 

Pan began pacing, "You broke the rules, that's not fair!" Bad form." Ria followed his every movement, "I expected more from you, Captain!" Although Ria could no longer see the Heroes, she could hear the husky voice of Captain Hook, "Aye, and you'll get it!" Ria held her breath as her twin began talking, "Give Henry to me." The thought then came to her, her family didn't even know she was here. "Sorry can't!" Peter smirked, "Hasn't anyone ever told you? That cheaters never win?"

Ria knew it was time, she grabbed her weapon and walked to the cliffside to join Peter. She held her dagger ready, a smirk on her face. "Charming look." Ria heard her mother say. "Ria?" she then averted her attention towards the couple. "Do I know you?" She asked. Her parents' smiles never left their face. "We're you, parents. We've fina- " But before they could finish an arrow was shot, and Pan's shoulder rested on Ria's shoulder. "Remember what I told you Ria, they left you. All because of one-" 

Ria turned quickly, "Curse?" She asked, her dagger pointing towards the Lost Boy's throat. "I remember. I also remember using a locator spell and finding my fairy godmother. Who told me everything!" She took a step back, "You're a liar, Peter Pan!" Ria swung her dagger before sliding down the slope to meet her parents. 

She stood alongside her sister, "Watch out for their arrows, they're laced with dreamshade." Ria agreed, "Try to stay clear of them, please." She smiled, receiving warming smiles in return. Arrows where shot left and right, "Grab Ria!" Pan called to Felix who was fighting Hook. 

Ria continuously fought with her dagger, making sure she only caused minor injuries. The Lost Boys were her family also. "Why are you doing this?" one boy asked as Ria cut his arm, "Sorry John!" She called before jumping in front of Devin, the boy who tried to attack her dad, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" She taunted as she dropped her dagger, "You won't hurt me?" She shook her head, "No, but I do like to harass you." She said, using her magic to taut the boy.

"Are you okay?" She heard her mother ask her father. "I'm fine." she heard him say. Ria rushed over, "You weren't hit by their arrow where you?" She asked. He shook his head, smiling as he stared at the girl. "We found you." She nodded. "Can we do a family reunion later?" she asked, receiving a nod in return. 

Ria dodged arrows as she ran, "What are you doing?" She heard Pan ask. "Reuniting with my family." She replied as she used her magic once more. "But we're your family!" Pan shouted. "Last time I checked, family doesn't lie! And you've been doing that too me all my life!" Pan shook his head, "Come back to camp with me Ria, we can talk this over." She shook her head, "If I return to that camp, I grab Henry and leave." Ria furrowed her eyebrows at the smirk on Pan's face. "I don't think so."

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