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Chapter Five: The Truest Believer

Chapter Five: The Truest Believer

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❝You and it are mine❞

Ria lay in her tent from sunrise until sundown, claiming that she sick. With the boys being totally oblivious they believed her, thinking she was going through what Peter called, "The monthly". She let out a sigh, pulling the baby blanket that told her everything she had only dreamt of as she did so. Ria closed her eyes thinking how nice a few hours of sleep would be, but a knock on the wooden door of her tent disrupted her. Pulling open the door, Ria groaned, "What?" She asked, trying not to sound so angry with the boy in green. "It's time." The Lost Girl furrowed her eyebrows, "Time?" Without getting an answer Pan had pulled her out into the camp. 

"Have I made this clear?" Pan asked, for the fifth time. The Lost Boy's all nodded, excited for the game they were about to play. "All we need to do is track down a 13-year-old and scare him a little, sounds easy to me," Ria mumbled. "You were 13 once Ria, don't you remember running away from the boys. They struggled to catch you. And you're a girl." Ria shook her head, "I'm a Lost Girl, Pan. And if I remember correctly, I grew up here, of course, I'm faster than you, boys." She chuckled when no one responded and the topic was changed. "Henry Mills is here, with our two acquaintances. You lot need to chase him. I'll do the rest."  

Ria walked alongside Felix as the two lead the group of Lost Boys to the far side of the island, "He's 13, I don't get why I can't use my magic to knock him out. It would, honestly,("Pan said to follow his plan")be so much easier." she moaned, being interrupted by Felix. Upon seeing three figures up ahead, Felix hushed everyone, going for the surprise attack Peter had asked for. 

Within seconds, Neverland's three visitors were surrounded by Lost boys and girl. "Who are you." The man asked as he stared down the group of teenagers. "Well, we're the home office of course." Ria sarcastically said, rolling her eyes at the first adult she had seen since Hook. "Welcome to Neverland!" Felix announced, causing the group of boys to start howling and cheering. "The home office is a bunch of teenagers?" The woman said. "They're not teenagers, they're the lost boys." Ria scoffed, but she was sure she recognised the voice, "And girl." 

The boy glanced over before furrowing his eyebrows, "Why do you want to destroy magic." Ria raised an eyebrow, "Oh we don't." "Who said anything about destroying magic?" Felix smirked. "It was our mission." The man stepped forward, embracing his inner courage. "So you where told." Ria allowed her eyes to drift off to the boy, shaking her head as he continuously stared at her. "Now the boy, hand him over." 

"You're not getting the boy until you tell us the plan. About getting home!" Felix shook his head, "You won't be getting home." The man shook his head, "Then your not getting the boy." The Lost Girl stepped forward slightly, only to start giggling when the adult male stepped back, "Of course we are!" Ria smiled as Pan's shadow can swooping down, "Run!" The female shouted to the Truest Believer as he rushed into the dark jungle. "Get the boy," Felix muttered as one of the Lost boys shot the running woman. The plan was now in action. 

Ria was close behind the thirteen-year-old as he ran, seeing him trip up ahead she stopped, "This is way too easy!" She called back to Felix who only held her back,  "Focus on the game, Ria." The Lost Girl nodded, before sprinting off in a different direction. 

She hid behind countless of bushes, waiting for where Pan would return with the boy. Felix and the others joined her soon after. "It worked." He told her, "He's the truest believer. He worked the pixie dust!" Ria's eyes widened. "He did." Her blue eyes turned up to the night sky as a gather of green dust came towards them. "Here we go!" She whispered. 

The two boys stumbled to the ground, "See anything is possible, all you have to do is believe." Pan smirked, "You couldn't be more right, Henry." Ria watched as Henry took a step back, "How, how do you know my name? I never told you." The Lost Boy stepped forward, "Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve." Henry shook his head, "You lied to me, you are a Lost Boy, you work for Pan!" Peter shook his head, "Not exactly. I am Peter Pan!" 

"Why did you bring me here?" Henry asked. Pan began to pace, smirking slightly as he caught glimpse of Ria and Felix kneeling beside each other, "For quite some time, I've sought something extremely important. Something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries." Henry followed the older boy with his eyes, "What?" Pan began knocking on tree trunks, as he smirked, "The heart of the Truest Believer. And when you took that Pixie Dust Henry and jumped off that cliff, you proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart! And now? You and it are mine!" Pan unsheathed his dagger, raising it into the air as he shouted, "Come on boys!" The group surrounded Henry, "And girl." He smirked, nodding towards Ria who was stood behind Henry. The Truest Believer turned, gasping as he got a closer look at the Lost Girl. "Let's play!"

Henry is finally here! This book is finally gonna start getting exciting!! 

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