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Chapter Sixteen: Skull Rock

Chapter Sixteen: Skull Rock

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❝we don't have much time❞

Ria winced at the tight hugs each of the boys gave her as she returned to camp with Peter. "We thought you where dead!" One of the older boys mumbled as he pulled the girl into a hug. "They won't kill me. I have my so called parents wrapped around my finger, I'm safe from any harm anyone would inflict on me!" She smirked under Pan's gaze. "Isn't that right Peter?" The boy in green nodded, "I thought you didn't believe your family where coming for you." Ria frowned, "Oh, but I did. They came for Henry, not me. They may want me now but if I wasn't on Neverland when Henry was brought here I would have been tossed to the side like a rotten piece of flesh." Each boy analysed her now, "Like I said, they won't hurt me but I'm going to have a fun time hurting them!"

The sun fell just as quickly as it had risen the next day, Ria let out a groan as Peter stalked towards her with Henry. "Come on." He simply said. "Where are we going?" The Lost Girl replied, completely oblivious to the boys commands. "I've got to show you and Henry something. Now come on!" Ria let out a whine as Peter pulled her by the arm, he wasn't hurting her, she was just dramatic.

Ria yawned as she followed slowly behind the two boys. She was bored... As much as Ria hated to say it, she was having a lot more fun tormenting her 'family' whilst being tied to a tree. "Why can't we just stay in camp? Light a fire? Play a song? Dance?" The Lost Girl groaned, "Anything but walk... I'm tired you know Peter!" Pan turned to the girl, a playful smirk etched onto his face. "We're having fun Ria! Where have you always wanted to go since you where little?" She shrugged. "I've been everywhere Pete, literally, this islands pretty small you know."

Ria felt the soft sands beneath her feet as the trio walked towards the crashing waves. "Yes, you've been everywhere on the island, but where have you always wanted to go?" Ria's eyes widened, "As much as I've always wanted to go there, why do we need to go... in the dead of night?" As the three clambered into a small rowing boat Henry Mills, who had been very quiet spoke up, "Where are we going?" Ria turned to the rock a mile ahead of them, barely seen from the late night fog. "Skull Rock."

With Henry lagging behind the two teens walked together. Little to no words where spoken as the two walked across the sharp sands of Skull Rock. "How've you been?" Ria suddenly asked, but the older boy didn't answer. "Peter." The Lost Girl mumbled, as she grabbed his hand in her own small one. "How have you been?" Her blue eyes, still dark, held worry in them for her brother. Although the two had distanced over the years due to Pan becoming darker and more desperate. "I'm fine." This the girl rolled her eyes at, she was the stubborn one after all. "I can tell when your lying you know." Pan sighed, "We're running out of time." He said as the two waited for Henry to catch up, "Don't worry, Neverland won't loose its magic, Henry and I can stop that." With glossed over eyes, Peter pulled Victoria in for a hug, he showed little affection to the girl, especially at times like this. In all reality, Peter felt bad for lying to her, even if he knew that she would still give up her heart to save him. Henry on the other hand, he was more difficult.

Hand in hand, Ria and Peter walked up the stair into Skull Rock, Henry toddling behind. "What's in skull rock?" Henry spoke up, causing the two teens to turn. "This Henry," Pan smirked as he spoke, "This hourglass, tells us how much time we have until all magic is lost." Henry's gasp was barley audible over the crashing waves. "There's not much time left." Ria shook her head. "That's why I need to know if you two are ready? Are you ready to be the saviours you where born to be?" Ria smiled. "Of course." She glanced at the younger boy, "Henry?" He nodded, "Anything to save magic!"

I felt like Ria and Peters relationship was slacking a lot so I wanted to add some bonding time for them. Do you like their relationship?

Things are going to go down in the next few chapters? I'm excited!! You excited?

I have the next chapter ready... do you want it now? Tomorrow? Friday?

I also entered this book into the wattys2019!! I'd love if you could help me out!

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