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Chapter TwentyTwo: The Finale

 ❝to die would be an awfully big adventure❞

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to die would be an awfully big adventure

The Lost Girl continuously shook the smaller boys body, "Peter?" She jumped slightly as he opened is eyes. "No, it's Henry." Ria frowned, "Wheres Peter? He's alright isn't he?" She questioned the boy who held the scroll tightly in his palm. "He's in the box where he can't hurt anyone!" Ria let out a dark chuckle, which sounded odd paired with her light eyes. "Don't you get it? We've already cast the curse!" Henry Mills hauled himself up, "We can stop it! Heroes always win!" He began to run off, Ria didn't bother to stop him, she knew the heroes has lost, because Peter Pan always wins.

She took a slow walk back to the small town of Storybrooke, taking in the scenery that would soon belong to her and her brother. Her family.  People ran left and right as she passed, people calling her the "Whistler" something she hadn't heard in years. It excited her really, the fear everyone felt around her.

Ria smiled as she saw the group of Storybrooke residents standing infront of the Clock Tower. "The curse! That I do!" The Lost Girl picked up her pace at the voice of Peter Pan. "What do we have here?" She smirked as she glanced at her frozen parents. "Told you, didn't I Henry?" Ria spoke as she circled the boy, "Peter Pan never fails! And you, the heroes, have lost!" Pan couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at the group of adults and Henry, "Could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I? I think I'll start with these two!" He hummed as he stood before them, "You both look so adorable, hard to tell which one to kill first." He tilted his head, "No it isn't! You! You first!" Peter Pan pointed to Neal, the son of Rumpelstiltskin.

"Stay away from them!" The Dark One suddenly said, gripping his fathers shoulder firmly as he dragged him away from his family. Ria found herself stuck in place beside her mother and father. "Well, how about this? The worm has teeth. Your here to pwotect your woved ones?" Unlike her "family" Ria could still speak, she only realised this when a chuckle escaped her lips. "I'm not going to let you touch either one of them!" Ria mentally rolled her eyes, "I'd like to see that." She said, "I'd like to see you stand up to one of the most powerful people of all. I dare you to try it!" Rumple turned to her, "Dare accepted, because you will! You see dearie, I have a job to finish." Rumple stayed close to Pan but his eyes never left Ria, "And I'll do whatever it takes."

Pan smirked, he never failed, that's what he kept telling himself, "But it comes with a price! A price I am finally willing to pay!" Ria didn't remove her eyes of Peter, as Rumpelstiltskin addressed his son and lover. "You happiness isn't with me. I accept that!" Ria and Peter chuckled, "Pretty." She spoke, "Pretty Pretty words!"
"I love you Bae! And you too Belle, you make me stronger!" Pan chuckled, "Stronger? Yes, but still no magic!" The Lost girl chuckled, "No magic? Ooh, your in trouble." The dark one cast a glare towards the girl. "But I don't need it, you see, you may have lost your shadow but there's one thing your forgetting!" "Whats that?" "So have I!" Rumpelstiltskin three one hand in the air, seemingly calling something. His shadow swooped down, Ria couldn't say anything, fear came over her, as Rumple grasped the dark one dagger into his hand and tightly grabbed Peter.

"Agh, what are you doing?" Pan struggled against his sons grip. "You see the only way for you to die, is if we both die!" Ria watched as her brother struggled, not ready to meet death. "And now, I'm ready!"

As Peter screamed so did Ria. The pain that hit her back was so unbearable. Like a knife being stabbed into her, in reality, that was what was happening, only on a different person, a person she was connected to. Pan's green eyes flashed to the girl that lay on the floor, agonising pain drifting through her body, he felt it. He shook his head. "You kill me, you kill us, you kill her!" But Rumpelstiltskin didn't listen, he just drove the dagger further into Pans back. The older man ignored the screams of a seemingly innocent girl. A girl that had a fate so terrible.

"We can have a happy ending!"
"Ah but I'm a villain, villains don't get happy endings!"

In a poof of smoke, the two elderly gentleman when gone, the spell bounding the Storybrooke residents was broken. Yet Ria, still let out agonising screams. "Help her!" David Nolan shouted as he rushed to his daughters aid. "Regina do something!" The audible screams of Snow White seemed distant.

Although the Lost Girl was screaming and crying, she felt free, like she was floating. Death to her was an adventure. Princess Victoria Eva of the Enchanted Forest, knew Peter Pan had failed, she knew death was final. And she allowed it. So she closed her eyes. After all she had fulfilled her duty as the saviour...

"Happy endings aren't always what we thing they'll be"

- Snow White

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