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Chapter Eighteen: emptiness

 ❝it's now my turn to ask you, are you okay?❞

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❝it's now my turn to ask you, are you okay?❞

Empty. Free. Two things Ria felt as she opened her eyes. She let out a muffled groan as she struggled to sit up. "Careful, you had quite a fall." Ria snapped her head to the side so quickly she began to feel dizzy. "Where are we Peter?" The Lost boy chuckled, "My thinking tree." The girl nodded, chuffing towards her brother as she did. "I'm guessing it worked? The island and you, your saved right? How're you feeling?" Ria spoke quickly, wanting her questions answered. "I should be asking you that. How're you feeling Ria?" The only Lost girl shrugged, "I don't understand." She mumbled, "Henry, he passed out, like he was dead. I saw, Peter. How am I still up and walking? How am I still alive if you have my heart?"

In a comforting way, Peter Pan swung his arm over his Lost girls shoulder, "I felt bad, seeing you, lifeless on the floor. We're family Ria. So I made a deal with my shadow." Ria nodded, understanding his words so far. "Even though I have your heart, your dark magic, your still the saviour. My shadow allowed you to stay alive, on one condition. You and I are the same. We're connected Ria. My powers are yours. You are Neverland Ria. Just like me. It's the only way for you to stay alive. To stay by my side. I love you Ria. You and the boys are the only family I have left and I can't loose that." The Lost girl smiled a genuine smile, "I love you too Peter. I'm never going to leave Neverland! My life practically depends on it!"

"Having trouble moving?" Peter taunted the three women bound to his thinking tree. "Not surprised giving where you are!" Ria couldn't help but giggle at his behaviour. She felt Regina's eyes on her, as well as Emma's and her own mothers. "Hastening your demise is your regret." The three women furrowed their eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"
"This tree is the sight of a very important event for me. I abandoned my boy here!" Regina scoffed, "You have a son?" Ria chuckled, "He's a lot older than he looks. A lot like us, mom and Emma are the same age, and we're supposed to be twins blondie. But who would have guessed?" The Lost boy smirked.
"If you have a child you must regret losing him too?" Pan shook his head, "No. Quite the opposite actually. You see I have him all boxed up you see, so I don't loose him again." Ria once again, chuckled at the confusion. "Rumpelstiltskin is your son?" He nodded. "How is that possible? Your" Snow White suddenly asked, casting a loving look at her daughter. "Younger than him? Not really. Just like Ria said. You and your daughter are the same age. And those two are supposed to be twins!"

Regina smirked, "Your a fraud. Your magics weakened. You can't even hurt us. Let alone Rumpelstiltskin!" The Lost Girl now stood beside her brother. "Your right, but Ria can." She smiled, "Don't think I won't hesitate to do it either." The evil queen shot a glare at the younger girl. "How are you walking around anyway? Whilst Henry is fighting for his life!" The Lost girl shook her head. "My nephew is a good boy, saving Neverland was his duty as was it mine. Im apart of Neverland. The island dies, as do I. Now I don't think my mummy or daddykins would want that? Would they?" Ria smirked as she glanced over at her mother and sister. She turned to Peter, "As for my brother, this tree will protect him till our powers are strong enough," "and then," Pan cut her off, "and then I will get to have some real fun!"

The three adults struggled against the bounding of the vines. "Now that's not all is it saviour! I have your sons heart inside of me. I can feel just how much you let him down, time and time again." "Leave her alone." Ria turned to her mother, "sorry to break it to you mother dearest but, Emma thinks she's all mighty because she finally accepts that she is the saviour. She doesn't need or want any of your help." The Lost Girl took a step back as Emma tried to reach for her. "Fight me all you want Emma, we all know I'm the stronger twin." "Are you finished?" Regina suddenly spoke up, a grin playing on her face. "Last words from the queen, perhaps a deathbed confession from the one who has the most to regrettable." The queen nodded, "yeah there's one problem with that." Like a confused puppy, Ria tilted her head. "I did cast a curse that devastated an entire population. I have tortured and murdered but I don't regret a single thing! Why?" Peter grabbed Ria by the wrist as he pulled her back, seemingly shocked at how's Regina had broken the vines that held her and her friends captive. "BECAUSE IT GOT ME MY SON!"

Within seconds, Regina had yanked Henry's heart from Peter Pan'a chest. Ria screamed as her brother's body fell limp to the floor. The almighty Peter Pan was helpless. And as was Ria. They where connected after all. She turned to the three females. Tears threatened to fall from her, now, innocent bright blue eyes. "Come home with us Ria!" Snow White pleaded. "Why? Why can't you just leave us alone? The boys and I where happy! I was happy!" Like a normal teenager Ria argued, she argued with her mother, even with her sister. "Enough of this already!" Regina shouted. "Let's go help Henry!" Ria turned back to Peter. "Then go without me! I can't leave here anyways!" She heard Regina chuckle, "Your welcome back in Storybrooke Victoria. Your still strong. Strong enough to live your life." The Lost girl sobbed, as Pan struggled on the floor. "Come home with us Ria! You can be part of a family!" Her mother argued. "I had a family. And you destroyed it!" She turned back to the limp Peter Pan. "Oh for goodness sake." She heard a sigh before darkness filled her body. For the seconded time that day, Ria had blacked out, and there was nothing she could do about it.


Im so sorry I haven't updated this story for like 10 days... I've been busy. But hey ho, new chapter! I'm excited for the next few! Storybrooke here we come😆

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