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Chapter Four: The Charmings

❝My family didn't abandon me❞

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❝My family didn't abandon me❞

With spellbook in her hand, Ria said her goodnights to the boys before retreating to her tent for the night. The lost girl lay across her bed as she opened the book. She let out a sigh as she read the instructions from the spell. "Where am I supposed to get something that they touched?" she rolled over on her side as she read the page more, "The spell cannot be used on live subjects." Ria let out a groan, "I don't care!"  She groaned, "I don't want to find them anyway!" 

Ria closed her eyes as she lay on her side. She did want to find her parents, she wanted to know why they abandoned her. She wanted to know why they gave up on her. In fact, Victoria didn't want to know, she needed to know. The last section of hope she clung onto, was that her parents leaving her was all a big misunderstanding and that her mother and father where looking for her. What Ria didn't know was that this last section of hope was keeping her good. If she ever lost it, she would sink into a pit of darkness and it would be hard for her to recover from the evil. 

A crying baby was held in the arms of a man. "Find us." he said, "Come home to us." The man gently left a small kiss on the baby girl's cheek. The little girl made a small cry as the man tightened the knitted blanket, a red ribbon detailing the fabric as well as the name 'Victoria' sewn into it. "Goodbye, my love."

Victoria sat up abruptly from the dream she had had, her blue eyes danced around her candlelit tent, searching from the familiar thing from her dream. The blanket. Ria swung her legs over the side of the wooden bed before making her way across the small space towards a chest of drawers. The Lost Girl shivered as her feet hit her damp grass beneath her. With a sigh, Ria knelt down before the wooden drawers she remembered building with the boys. Without caring how loud she was, Ria began pulling open the drawers. She quickly began throwing clothes on the floor. Victoria smiled as she pulled out the knitted blanket. The small token now over however many years old was still soft to the touch, still pristine and white. Ria smiled as she traced over the sewn name. "They must have touched this," she whispered smiling as she hugged the faraway memory. "They had to!" 

With spellbook in one hand and baby blanket in the other, Ria read over the cursive words. Dropping the book beside her, Victoria muttered the spell, lifting her left hand as she did so. A sigh escaped her lips as she watched as the blanket lifted into the air, and drifted through the small entrance of her tent. 

Victoria followed, not bothering to slip on some shoes or a jacket as she entered the cool night air. The lost girl followed as the blanket from the past sailed through the dark forest of Neverland. She jumped every so often at the slight snap of a twig or howl from the wind blowing in the trees. Ria yawned as the blanket came to a stop, she caught it quickly before the white wool fell onto the muddy earth. "It didn't work," Ria whispered as she wrapped the blanket around her small frame. "Maybe Peter was right, they didn't want me." 

A flash of light caused the small girl to jump as she lifted her gaze. "Why hello dear." A voice came, but no one was in sight. "Who's there?" Ria muttered into the air. "I'm not here, Princess. Just a mere vision. I'm actually in a town, a town where your parents live." Ria's eyes widened, "Princess? You know my parents?"  She heard a small giggle before the voice spoke again, "Well I sure hope so, I am your fairy godmother after all!" Victoria smiled softly, "Fairy Godmother? Did my parents want me? Why did they leave me? Is it because of my curse?" The lost girl began asking questions, "Are you willing to listen?" 

"Look! Her story."  Henry Mills said as he analysed his storybook. "Victoria's story!" The two parents smiled as they looked at the illustrations of their daughter, "Does it say where she is Kid?" Emma Swan asked as she sat beside her son, she smiled as she looked at the illustration of her twin sister.  "There's no words, just pictures." David and Mary Margret carefully took the book from Henry's hands, smiling as they looked at the many illustrations of their daughter. "We missed it." Snow mumbled, "With Emma and with Ria." She then smiled as she looked at an illustration of her daughter, playing with a group of boys at the age of five(or so it looked). "And we may never find her." David wrapped an arm around his wife, "We will find her, we will find her!" 

Ria felt her cheeks warm up from the tears that had fallen from her ocean eyes, "They're looking for me." She whispered, "They didn't leave me. They still want me." She heard her fairy godmother sigh, "Of course they want you Ria. And they will find you." The girl nodded as she wiped away the scattered tears, "Peter lied." She then mumbled, realisation hitting her. "Yes, but you need to act like you know nothing about your family. You know nothing about them looking for you." Ria let out a sigh, "I know nothing." 

Authors Note:

so, i changed how the locator spell works on Ria's end, basically, because she wouldn't be able to get to Storybrooke from Neverland, so instead Blue turns up.

 i made Blue make Ria listen to the voices of her family instead of showing her the family, it makes the next few chapters better as Ria is not going to know what her parent's look like, she'll only have an idea of their voices. 

i hope you enjoyed this chapter! i would appreciate it if you could vote :)

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