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Chapter Fourteen: Unwillingly Spending Time with Family

Chapter Fourteen: Unwillingly Spending Time with Family

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"Ow!" Henry suddenly said which woke Ria up from her trance. "So you're the kid Pan has been looking for-" Devin spoke as he held a spear in Henry's face. "Devin." The girl warned him. "-All this time?" he continued to poke the Truest Believer. Ria groaned and walked away, shaking her head as she did. She stood at Felix's side, watching the two boys from the distance.

"Stop it!" Henry shouted which got all of the boy's attention. "That's enough!" Ria shouted. "If you can't take this. How are you supposed to take what Pan has in store for you!" Ria shook her head. Devin taunted the smaller boy, picking up on what Ria had done to him for years. The girl let out a sigh as Henry picked up a stick, "Pathetic," she muttered as the two fought.

"Not bad." Pan spoke up, "But wouldn't it be more fun if you had a real sword?" Ria's eyes drifted to the boy in green. "'cause violence is always the answer." The Lost Boy's ignored her comment, "I've -I've never fought with a real sword." Henry looked at the Lost Girl, only to get a shrug in response. "This is Neverland. All you need t do is believe, and you happen to have the heart of the truest believer!"

Ria smiled as Henry held the stick in front of him. He closed his eyes. He opened them at the sounds of gasps from the boys and girl. A sword now replaced the stick. "Well, what are you waiting for?" The Lost Girl gasped at every blow Henry did. She found the fight unfair. As much as she disliked Devin for starting the small feud with Henry. He wasn't going to win with a spear, especially when Henry had a sword. "I'm sorry!" Ria suddenly heard, "It was an accident!" Pan walked towards the boy, "Henry, don't you know the best thing about being a lost boy? Is that you never apologise!"

Ria watched as Devin walked into the woods. She glanced around, making sure no one would stop her going after the boy before darting into the woods herself. "Devin!" She called as she followed the boy deeper into the woods. "Devin!" Ria shouted once again to gain the boy's attention. "What?" he lashed out. "Are you alright?" the lost girl pondered, seeming genuinely worried for the boy. "Like you care!" Ria shook her head, "Devin, if I didn't care why would I have followed you?" he shrugged, "To taunt me? Like you always do!" she sighed, "Like I said before Devin, I'm sorry. Now please, let me look at that cut."

After checking over the Lost Boy's cut, she decided it wasn't too deep, and decided to take a walk with the boy to get him to calm down. "How do you wanna release your anger?" Ria asked, "Come on Devin, you have to give me something to work with here." the Lost Girl watched as the boy's eyes drifted to the spear he still held. "Let's go hunting."

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