Chapter 1

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Friday, August 7.

"Do you have everything you need, (Y/N)?" Mom asked you, watching you stuff clothes into a bag.

"I think so. We're only going for two nights anyway." Two painful nights of dealing with Lyon, you thought.

"Remember to leave the address and phone number on the fridge." Your mom says.

"I don't think the cabin has a landline, but I'll leave the address. I'll get cell reception out there, apparently, and I'll let you know when we arrive." You assured her.

She nodded nervously and gave you a weak smile.

"Mom, I'll be fine." You said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're spending the weekend with someone you don't like."

"No, I'm spending the weekend with Natsu, Juvia, Lucy, and Jellal. It's just unfortunate that Lyon will be there too." If you could have uninvited him, you would have.

But the cabin is his parents', so that didn't seem too likely.

Or reasonable.

He'd invited you all to spend the weekend at his family's cabin since school was out. Your town had finally realized it was summer, and next year, you'd all be going your separate ways for university.

"If you ever need picked up early...?"

You shook your head. "Thanks, but I'll be fine. There's no way I'm letting him ruin a weekend with my friends. Anyway, I need to go." You said.

"I'll drop you off at Lyon's." Mom offered.

"No, it's fine, Mom. I can walk." You grabbed your bag and swung it over your shoulder. "See you Sunday night. Love you," you said, kissing her cheek.

"Love you too, Sweetheart. Call if you need anything."

"I will," you replied.

Lyon only lived a two minute walk away, so it wouldn't take you long.

You slammed the front door behind you and headed down the path. The weather was super hot, it being the beginning of August, and you were glad you opted for shorts and a t-shirt.

When you got to Lyon's, everyone was outside his house, cramming bags into cars. Seriously, you were going for two nights, but it looked like Juvia and Lucy had packed for a week.

"(N/N)!" Juvia shouted, jogging toward you. Her blue ponytail swayed and her blue eyes danced with excitement. She was the only person genuinely happy about this trip.

Taking a deep breath, you pushed away every ounce of doubt you had about this weekend and smiled. "Hey, Juve. Is everyone ready?"

"Almost. Lyon will be back soon," she replied with a goofy smile. "Don't look like that," she added when you grimaced at his name.

Whoops, she caught you. "Sorry. I didn't mean that. It's...nice of him to invite us to his folks cabin."

She took your lame apology with a smile. "He wants things back the way they were."

Did he have a time machine so he could go back and not say those awful things about your friends? Could he take back what he'd done to you? What he was still doing to you?

Lyon might be trying to make amends for the past—if you were even to believe it was genuine—but you weren't going to forgive him so easily. Some hurts aren't that easy to get over, and you couldn't forgive someone who wasn't sorry and hadn't changed their behavior. Juvia has forgiven him already, of course, but she never could see what a waster her boyfriend was.

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