Chapter 9

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Friday, August 21

You pulled up outside the cabin, and your hands started to shake. You'd not been here since the police carted you off, and you didn't want to ever go back inside. You had to though. There had to be something the police missed because you were going crazy. Thinking the people you trusted most in the world were capable of something so heinous was not okay with you. There had to be clues in that cabin. You couldn't murder two people in such a violent and bloody way and not leave some sort of evidence behind.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you stilled. You slid the phone from your jeans, and your finger hovered over the screen. Jellal had already called you eight times today and you ignored them all. He'd never been so insistent before. On a heavy sigh, you clicked your phone to silent.

Gray's Warrior sat in the driveway, but that wasn't surprising. He didn't really have anywhere else to go to get away from his family, and you thought being at his mom's must have been awkward as hell. He couldn't go back home to his dad's because you all had to stay in town.

Police tape cordoned off the cabin, but the front door was open, so you guessed Gray didn't care that it was a closed crime scene. Neither did you. Usually you were a rule follower, but there was no time for that now. Someone needed to figure out what happened—and fast. What if the murderer started coming after the rest of you?

You walked into the cabin, ignoring the thudding of your heart, and looked around for Gray. The place was a mess. Everything had been turned upside down. Sofa cushions were on the floor. Furniture had been moved. Photographs had been taken down from the walls and spread out on the side table.

Gray was by the window, staring out in a daze. You cleared your throat. His head snapped around in your direction, and he arched his eyebrow. "What're you doing here?" He demanded.

Not letting him intimidate you, you stood up straight. Trying to prove to yourself that Jellal isn't the killer and find out who is. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my cabin. Your turn."

"Looking for..." you trailed off, frowning. You slouched in defeat. Who were you kidding? You had less than no clue how to catch a killer. "I don't know. Anything I can, I guess."

Gray cocked his head to the side. "You're looking for a murderer. What makes you think you'll find any clues that dozens of police officers and detectives couldn't? They've gone through this cabin with a fine tooth comb, (Y/N). There's nothing to see here."

"Well, they don't have as much to lose as I do, and we don't know they haven't found anything."

He sighed. "So dramatic."

"What happened here?" you asked, ignoring his comment.

"Police would've searched for the murderer's clothes. They have a knife. It was one of ours."

"They do?" The knife! There must be fingerprints on the knife. "And?"

"And they have a knife," he deadpanned. "We all used them when we were cooking dinner together... and most of the other utensils, actually. Doubt they'll find much there."

"The point is that the killers prints might be on it too!"

Your heart spiked with hope. Please let them find someone else's prints.

Gray smirked, lighting up his striking blue eyes. "So what have you got planned, then? Sniffer dogs?"

"Are you going to help me or what?"

"Did I offer?" He replied, frowning.

"Fine, Gray, just stand there and look out of that window. Pretend I'm not here."

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now