Chapter 13

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Mom had reluctantly agreed to let you go to Gray's house and to the hospital as long as you were back home by eleven. You gave it an hour before she texted you, needing an update on your whereabouts.

Gray's house was dark when you arrived, but his bedroom light was on and the front door was unlocked. "Gray," you called, making your way upstairs.

He didn't reply, but his door was wide open. You found him sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. There was no doubt he'd heard you calling him and stomping up the stairs, but he made no attempt to acknowledge your presence. You slowly sat next to him on his bed. You were wary and worried. "I'm so sorry," you said. "What happened to Pete? Should we go to the hospital? I can take you right now if you want."

"My mom found him at his house. He was supposed to come over, but when he didn't show, she went to his. The front door was open, and he was lying on the living room floor. He'd been hit over the head with a cricket bat, (Y/N). His own cricket bat."

"Oh my God." You covered his clenched fist with your hand. "Do you know what's happening now?"

He shook his head and lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. "I just found out. My dad offered to come and get me but..."

"But what?"

"I don't think anyone would want me there."

"Of course they'd want you there." It was you who Pete wouldn't want there. "Come on. We need to go."

He looked over, and you saw raw pain in his eyes. "Why are you here?"

Because you called and because I can't get you off of my mind. "Why did you come when I called?"

He frowned and looked down at his hands. "Friends now, are we?"

You thought you passed that stage when you slept together, but you didn't think you needed to bring that up now. "Yes, so get used to it. Put your shoes on," you instructed. "We're going to the hospital."

You could only see the side of his face, but his smirk was crystal clear. "Did you just tell me to put my shoes on like I'm a child?"

"Well, when you decided to act your age..." You rolled your eyes and slapped his forearm. "Come on, Gray. You have to go."

"That attack could have killed him. Someone tried to kill my uncle. Do you know where Natsu, Jellal, and Lucy are?"

"What?" You replied, laughing in disbelief. "You think it was one of them?"

"How can you not think this is related to Lyon's and Juvia's murders?"

You hadn't really thought about it. Juve and Lyon were stabbed, not hit like Pete. "Let's just concentrate on what's important right now. Get off your ass and get in my car. I'm driving you to the hospital. You need to be with your family."

He arched his eyebrow and muttered, "Family. Right."

"Come on," you said, yanking his arm until he got off the bed.

"Nice pajamas," he muttered, walking out before you. You rolled your eyes and ignored his comment.

You arrived at the hospital forty five minutes later and walked the deserted corridor looking for Ward F, where Pete was according to Ur's voicemail.

You looked up at Gray. His body was so tense you thought he was going to shatter. "When we get there, I think I should wait outside. You okay with that?" You asked.

He clenched and unclenched his jaw. "I don't need you to hold my hand."

"Of course you don't. You don't need anybody," you said sarcastically. "Gray, you've been there for me, and I want to do the same. There are no ulterior motives here. I'm not doing it to get anything in return. That's just what friends do."

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now