Chapter 5

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"No," Lucy said, shaking her head at the bomb Wright had just dropped.

You couldn't believe it and you wouldn't. None of your friends were murderers. You all had your issues with Lyon, sure, but none of you wanted him to die. And Juvia—She was sweet, funny, and loyal. She was the best friend anyone could ask for. No one hated her. This was a random attack. It had to be. It had to have been someone else.

"No. You need to keep looking. There must be some way the attacker got in," you said, shaking your head. "Gray, you know this place better than anyone—."

Gray shook his head and took a deep breath. His eyes were wide, scared. "They've checked the doors, (Y/N). There is no other way in from the outside."

"That can't be true!" You insisted and turned to the hostile looking officers. "The windows!"

"Are all locked and cannot be accessed from the outside," Wright replied. "No one could get into the property without breaking in, and there are no signs of that being the case."

"No," you repeated. "Please keep looking."

"The police don't need to keep looking, (Y/N). We know who did it." Natsu said, staring at Gray.

"Don't be an asshole, Natsu." You said. Lyon was Gray's Brother. He has more to lose than any of us. It couldn't have been him.

Jellal steps next to Natsu, backing him up. "Who was it then, (N/N)? Come on. You know all of us. Was it one of your friends or the creepy stranger?"

Gray folded his arms over his chest, saying nothing. Natsu had thrown a huge accusation at him, and if it were you, you'd be defending yourself and setting everyone straight.

"The police come up with one theory, and you start turning on each other?" You threw your hands up in exasperation. You thought you knew your friends better than that. You thought your friendship was stronger than that. "Will you all please stop pointing fingers at each other so we can figure out what happened to Lyon and Juvia? The way you're all acting is disgusting. We need to stick together, not rip each other apart."

"She's right," Lucy said. "I don't believe any of you could do this."

You felt Gray's eyes burning into the side of your head, but you didn't meet his gaze. You refused to believe you slept with a murderer. You weren't intimate with a killer. You couldn't have been.

Wright clicked his tongue. "As interesting as all this is, I need you to get into the squad cars now." He looked at each of you when he spoke. You felt naked under his intense glare. It was clear he thought one of you did it. "We're taking a trip to the station, so we can ask you some questions and get a formal statement," he said, pursing his lips, "and then my colleagues are going to search every inch of this house—and your homes." He nodded toward the front door and walked out.

*   *   *

You sat in a small interview room, biting your lip. One of the female officers had brought you a change of clothes, so you were wearing grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt. Your clothes had to be sent off for examination. Even though you'd done nothing wrong and was fully cooperating, you still felt like a criminal.

DI Wright and a pretty female officer he'd introduced as DI Lancer was opposite you. You refused to have your parents or anyone else with you because it would seem like you had something to hide.

Wright tilted his head. "Tell me again, (Y/N), what happened last night?"

Leaning forward, you leaned your cuffed arms on the cold table. "I don't know. We were all drinking. God, we drank a lot. The last thing I remember is Gray waking me up from the sofa..." You were going to have to admit that you'd slept together. You weren't sure why it was embarrassing—it just was. You licked your dry lips. "We went upstairs. In the morning, we woke up and went down to make breakfast. That's when we found... what we found."

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