Chapter 22

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You left to go home shortly after they started on the shots. It was only seven in the evening, and you didn't have to be home until eleven, but you couldn't celebrate Gray's arrest. It made you feel sick, and if Natsu made one more toast, you were going to punch him.

Both of your parents' cars were in the drive, which was unusual on a weekday, since they didn't leave work until about this time. Your nerves were rattled as you opened the door and yelled out, "Hello?"

"We're in the kitchen," Mom replied, and you took a left, under the arched doorway.

The last time you had a kitchen talk was three years ago when they were giving you the talk after you got together with (exes name). You could still remember the horror you felt at having them explain contraception. Not to mention when Mom slid a condom over a banana, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. The day you found out you were pregnant, you burned the remaining condoms (exes name) and you had.**

"Sit down, (Y/N)," Dad said. He and Mom were around the kitchen table with a teapot filled with steaming hot tea and three mugs. You sat down and bit your lip. This didn't look good.

"Gray has been arrested," Mom said pouring tea into the mugs.

"Yes, but he didn't do it. I know he didn't."

"(Y/N)—" Dad started, but you cut him off by holding your hand up.

"Please, Dad. I know what you're going to say, but I trust him. We've spent a lot of time together, and I know that he could never do what he's been accused of doing."

"How  do you really know him though?"

You shrugged awkwardly, knowing you were going to sound like every other teenage girl who was infatuated with a good looking guy. "I know him well enough. You're the one who always says your gut instinct is never wrong."

"And don't I regret that now," he muttered behind his mug as he took a sip. "We just want you safe, sweetheart, that's why we think you should stay at home until this whole thing blows over."

Blows over. He made it sound like it was a thunderstorm that would pass quickly. "Dad, it's fine. I'm fine."

He pursed his lips and out down his drink. "(Y/N), I made it sound like a suggestion, and I shouldn't have. You will stay in until the person responsible for those murders is in police custody. Do you understand?"

"I'm almost 18, you can't ground me." He could, of course, but it was ridiculous.

"I don't care how old you are. You're our child and we will do whatever is necessary to make sure you're safe. Hate us if you want."

Oh, playing the hate us card. Great. "I don't hate you. I understand why you're grounding me, but it's a little over the top and you know it."

"Honey, you're our baby. If anything happened to you, we would never forgive ourselves. Now, if you trust Gray, then I do too. You've got a good head on your shoulders, but if you're going to see him when he gets out of jail, it will be here, when one of us is home," your mom said.

Because that won't be embarrassing at all.

Conceding, you said, "Okay. Thank you for trusting me about Gray." You couldn't really argue when they were showing you a lot of trust. They'd met Gray only a few times and he'd been arrested for murder. Your parents had every right to forbid you to even think about him.

"Is it serious between you two?" Mom asked.

"No," you said cautiously. You had slept together and kissed a couple of times. That didn't exactly equal a serious, committed relationship, to him anyway.

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now