Chapter 23

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Thursday, August 27

In the morning, you woke up smiling. Gray and you had agreed to get together later in the day, but before that you had something to do. You wanted to visit Erza's, Cana's, Juvia's, and Lyon's graves at graveyard.

Mom was in the kitchen when you dragged yourself down. "Hey, what're you still doing here?" You asked. It was half past nine, so she should've been at work by then. You don't even know how you were going to cope when uni started and you had to wake up at seven.

"I'm going in a little late. I thought we could have breakfast."

Your mind immediately skipped to a dark place. "What's happened?" You asked.

"Nothing new, hun. I'm just concerned about you. Things are so stressful right now, and I want you to know that you don't have to worry yourself to death, like I know you do."

If she could have told you how to achieve that, you'd have done it. "I'm doing okay. I just wish the investigation were over."

"It will be soon, I'm sure. No one really believes you're responsible for what happened."

Your mom wasn't a very good liar. The whole town thought there was more to it than what you were saying. They'd pegged one of you five or all of you. As horrible as it felt to have people think you were capable of killing another person, when all of this was done, you would know exactly who you could count on.

"You're being very brave, (Y/N), but you don't have to put on a confident front for me and your dad."

"I'm not. There will be plenty of time to process everything, but right now I have to get through each day until it's over."

She made two cups of coffee and some toast.

"So...I think me and Gray are a thing," you said.

"It was only a matter of time."

"I'm worried about him. Lucy, Jellal, and Natsu think he's guilty."

"It doesn't matter what the others think, (Y/N). It only matters what you think. The truth will come out in the end."

"Right, but until then, people are crossing the road like he may give them the plague."

"People make snap judgements without gathering one single fact. You'll never change that."

Great, so it was just something you'd have to live with until the police found out who done it—if they ever found out.

"Yeah, I know you're right."

"It's hard, darling, but hold your head high and cling to what you know. Your father and I will try to speak with Wright today and see if we can get any more information. I don't think you'll be a person of interest for much longer."

You hoped so.

"What are your plans for the day?"

"I was thinking about going to see Lucy. We keep missing each other and I think she's only been spending time with Natsu because Jellal's busy being angry at Juvia on his own."

Mom shook her head. "You think you know people..." Tell me about it. "Well, okay, but I want you to drive there and straight back afterward. No pit stops, (Y/N) (M/N), I mean it."

She's dropped in your middle name, so she definitely meant it. That was only pulled out when there was absolutely no room for discussion at all.

"I promise," you said, and she smiled.

Mom left for work and you headed out at the same time. She wanted to make sure you left the house safely and that you were to text her when you arrived, when you were leaving Lucy's, and when you were home. You didn't begrudge doing it.

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