Chapter 4

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You closed your eyes. When you open your eyes, you'll see something different. With your heart in your throat, you cracked one eye open. The image didn't change. There was so much blood. Juvia and Lyon were still lying motionless on the floor.

Lucy let out a high-pitched scream that didn't sound like it belonged to a human.

This isn't real. I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming.

"Juvia," you whispered again, your voice drowning in a sea of Lucy's sobs and screams. "Lyon!"

They didn't answer. Your mind reeled. How? Who? Why? Your body was ice cold from the shock. Your fingers gripped the counter, nails biting into the wooden countertop. You couldn't move. You were frozen in place. You couldn't look away.

Oh God. Oh God. Do something! Help them!

Natsu dropped to his knees. His arms hovered over Lyon as if he wanted to touch him but was too scared. "Shit," he spat. "Someone do something! Call an ambulance!"

It looked too late for that. Juvia's once red lips were a pale pink, her skin dull and grey. A stream of dried blood stretched from her ear to the floor.

Your pulse drilled.

They're dead. They're dead! No, no, no, no!

You dropped to your knees, ignoring the bickering over what to do going on behind you.

This isn't happening.

Juvia's eyes were closed, just like she was sleeping. Maybe she wasn't dead. Maybe your best friend had a chance. If you could just get her to open her eyes, she would be okay. Everything will be okay. You repeated in your head on a loop.

"Juve, wake up." You reached out and brushed her blue hair from her face. She hated when her bangs fell in her face like that. Where was help? "We need an ambulance right now. Someone call for help. We need help." You rambled. Someone had to wake her up. "She needs help. Someone help her! Please! Oh my God, help her!"

You heard someone drop beside you. "(N/N)?" It was Lucy. "She's gone, (N/N). We need to... I don't know." She pulled my arm. You thought your legs would collapse, but somehow you had the strength to stand.

"Who did this?" You sobbed, pressing your hand to your mouth, gagging. Stop looking! You didn't want to see this terror, so why couldn't you stop looking?

Jellal spun around. "She's right. Where is he? Or they?"

Dread settled heavy in your stomach. Were the killers still in the house?

Gray gulped, staring at his brothers face. Lyon's eyes were still open but had rolled back slightly. He looked how you always imagined a dead body would look. "Where's who?" He whispered.

"The bastard who just murdered our friends!" Natsu spat in reply.

They wouldn't still be here, surely? No one was stupid enough to do something this horrible and hang around. They couldn't be. But what if they are?

"We need to go," Lucy said, tugging on your arm. Yeah, we do. "Come on, it's not safe. Someone was here. We need to go. Now."

"No one is going anywhere!" Natsu shouted. "Jellal, call the police. Lucy and (N/N), get the fuck out of this room, and, Gray...don't leave this house."

You watched Gray straighten. His face hardened and his eyes narrowed. "Why did you say that? Why single me out? Why can't I leave?"

Natsu arched his eyebrow as if to say 'Well, duh.' "Come on, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

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