Chapter 26 (normal ending)

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The blood drained from your face. "What wasn't Natsu?" You asked. Your voice, failing you, was barely a whisper. You could guess—it was obvious—but you needed Lucy to say it.

For the first time since you had arrived, she looked up and her eyes bore into yours. They held absolutely no emotion. Her eyes were nothing but dark pools.

"I did it. I killed Juvia, Lyon, and Pete. Natsu is as innocent as you. He confessed to cover for me, but he can't handle it in there anymore. Now he's going to tell the truth."

Your mouth fell open as she confirmed what you were trying to convince yourself couldn't be true. "But...why? What?" She did it. She let Natsu do that for her. Your head spun so fast you had to hold your stomach to stop yourself from throwing up.

I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming.

"I can't go to prison, (Y/N). You know I'm not strong like the rest of you. I would die in there."

You closed your eyes and held up your hand. "Wait. I don't... How did Natsu know? Why and how?" Nothing made sense again.

Beside you, Gray was still, as if he was still processing what she had said and her words hasn't caught up with him yet. He was usually quick to react with a stupid comment or a smirk, but right now he was stone.

You easily had over a million questions, and they all whizzed through your mind at lightning speed, too fast for you to pin down long enough to ask any of them. The whole situation was crazy. Lucy and Natsu were crazy. You were angry, confused, and hurt.

Lucy's eyes filled with tears. She was still calm, calm, calm. You envied her for that. She'd done this horrible, unforgivable thing, and you were the one who was fucking livid. "Do you have any idea what it's like waking up in the hospital and being told the woman you love is dead?" She asked.

You shook your head. You were going back to Cana. You wanted to yell, but you knew better than to do it. You needed the truth. Natsu needed the truth to come out. Oh God, Natsu! You had thought he was guilty and so did Lyon's and Juvia's families.

"Lucy, they didn't kill Cana. Nobody killed either of them. It was an accident."

God, this is why Natsu's confession seemed so rehearsed—it was. Those were Lucy's words, not his.

"It's hell," she said, ignoring what you said completely. "I couldn't even grieve properly because no one knew about us. I missed her every second of every day. I felt like I was drowning, and there was no way out. There was nothing I could do to make myself feel better or to make someone pay for what had happened. Justice was never served, but they both deserved what they got." She picked up the gun.

What is she doing?

"Lucy," Gray said calmly, smiling a warm smile like the ones police give someone about to jump off a building. You were freaking out inside, your heart pumping a hundred miles an hour. "It's okay, Lucy. It's going to be fine, but I need you to hand me the gun."

"No," she replied, her knuckles turning white as she gripped hold of the handle. Your eyes widened and time screeched to a halt. "The things Lyon said ate away at me. He was glad it was them rather than him. How could you wish someone died over yourself?"

You didn't get it either, but you weren't prepared to kill over it.

"I don't know," you replied, just in case it wasn't a rhetorical question. Your eyes flitted between Lucy and the gun.

"I kept thinking about them both rotting in the ground while Lyon walked around doing whatever he wanted and Juvia following him. I couldn't stand it. Because of them, Erza and Cana were dead. They didn't even care. We all took responsibility and we felt some guilt, but not them. They. Didn't. Care."

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