Chapter 11

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You walked up Natsu's driveway and something caught your eye outside his neighbors house. You stepped back behind the shrubs separating the two houses and peeked through the bushes. Your jaw dropped. Natsu was in the back of Wright's car. There was an officer in the passengers seat too, who was turned around saying something to Natsu.

Rubbing your stomach, which had a knot in it, you stared intently until a second later when Wright pulled onto the main road and drove away—with Natsu still in the back of the squad car.

Gray was long gone, or you would have tailed Wright.

Oh God, what's going on? Was Natsu arrested?

You felt like a robot as you planted one foot in front of the other toward Lucy's house. Your hands shook. You got halfway there when you pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed. You might trust Natsu, but you felt sick and uneasy about the whole situation. Pick up, pick up! You held your phone so close to your ear that it hurt. "Wright just took Natsu to the station," you said the second Gray answered.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks. How're you?"

You sighed sharply and rubbed the bridge of your nose. If you could just have one conversation with him that wasn't hard fucking work, that'd be great. "Cut the sarcasm for five seconds, what does he want with him?"

"This probably won't come as a surprise to you, but I'm not psychic."

"Gray," you snapped. "Why don't you take anything seriously?!"

"I am. I don't know what Wright wants with him," he replied a little too coolly. Gray had his theories, and for once, you wanted to know one.

"I know you're lying. Why don't you just tell me what you're thinking?"

"Because, Miss (L/N), you take this detective job far too seriously." And you are too trusting of your friends, You silently added because you knew that's what he wanted to say to you.

"Just tell me, Gray, please."

"The blood, (Y/N). I think they've had the results back and the blood is Natsu's."

You hadn't even thought of that. "No," you snapped. "The blood—it cant be his. Natsu wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Whatever," Gray replies, and you could picture him rolling his eyes. "Just call me when you know more."

You shivered as a rush of cold air swept over your body. The sun had slipped behind the cloud, giving the wind permission to harass you. "Why? What are you doing?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Okay goodbye, Gray." You said and hung up the phone, not in the mood for anymore of his stupid jokes.

You walked to Lucy's alone and tried to calm yourself down. It was probably routine questioning and you would all be called back in too. That was it. You shouldn't let seeing Natsu in the back of a police car get to you.

Before knocking on Lucy's door, you sent a quick text to Mom and Dad, letting them know you arrived safely at Lucy's house, since they needed to know your every movement now.

Taking a deep breath and plastering on a fake smile that you were beginning to hate, you rang the doorbell. You didn't want Lucy to know what was going on. It would just upset her, and Gray and you were just sort of keeping what you were doing to yourselves. Besides, he was the only other one that seemed willing to help.

Lucy opened the door and visibly relaxed. "Oh, thank God you're here!"

You walked inside, wringing your hands out. Time to act like a normal, sane person. "What's up?"

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now