Chapter 18

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Tuesday, August 25

The next morning, you sat in the living room with your mom, drinking tea before she went to work. Gray and you were following your friends today, which was officially the most ridiculous thing you'd ever done.

"Are you okay, love?" Mom asked.

Since you had gotten back from Gray's last night, she'd been suspicious and hovering over you like you were hiding something. It wasn't like you had to hide your...whatever you had with Gray, but a sort of boyfriend along with everything else was a lot for your parents to deal with.

"I'm okay. Ur was completely broken over her brothers death. You should've seen her, Mom. It was awful to witness. And Gray doesn't know what to do with himself."

"Where's his dad?"

"He's dealing with Lyon's death by immersing himself in his work. Apparently that's how he deals with everything. Gray's kind of like the parent to his parents without ever being shown how to support someone else."

"You like the boy," your mom said giving you a gooey smile. At least she wasn't telling you it was bad timing and you were a horrible person for liking someone at a time like this. Also, you were so far past just liking Gray it wasn't even funny.

"I do."

"Does he feel the same?"

As you did for him? Doubtful. But he certainly had feelings for you. "I think so."

"Of course he does," she replied, giving the typical parent response.

"We'll see happens, I guess."

"As long as he treats you well, you have my blessing."

Wow. You had expected more of a fight, especially given the short length of time you'd known Gray, but the deaths of your four friends in under a year put things into perspective. Your parents only had to deal with you having a boyfriend. Erza's, Cana's, Juvia's, and Lyon's parents had to deal with never seeing them again.

"Thanks, Mom. That means a lot to me."

"Will you promise me one thing?"

"Of course," you replied, taking a sip of tea.

"Tell me when you two are together. I don't want secrets."

Your gut bunched with guilt. Of course she was talking about when and if you became an official couple.

"I will," you replied, the words burning on the way out.

Mom left shortly after and you'd never been so glad that she had to work before. You hated lying to her, but you couldn't exactly say that you'd slept with Gray. There were things she just didn't need to know.

Throughout the day, Gray and you texted about spying on your friends. He promised you he would pick you up in a rental car. You waited in the hallway for him. You loved that through all of this craziness, you could still get excited over a boy. It felt so normal.

A car outside beeped its horn and you knew it'd be him. You grabbed your keys and went outside. All excitement you felt turned into sheer disbelief as you saw what Gray had rented.

"Are you serious?"

Leaning his arm out of the car, he replied, "What?"

You gestured to the bright red convertible. "We're supposed to be inconspicuous."

"Ah, but I figured they would never expect to see us in a flashy car. We'll be more inconspicuous in this than some sad, old Focus." He tapped his head as if he'd thought of something deeply clever.

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