Chapter 16

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Thankfully, Natsu's car was the only one in his drive when you got to his house after walking to get your car. There wasn't a single person in this world that didn't lie; it was just that some lies were harmless and others were dangerous. Sometimes, it was hard to figure out the difference. You were going to find out what secrets Natsu was keeping, what lies he had told.

It took you longer than it should have to get out of the car. You had one friend left who, as of right then, you still trusted. That could change soon.

The front door opened, and you knew you had been sitting in the car too long. Natsu had obviously seen you. He stepped onto the lawn, looking at you like you'd grown another head. "(N/N), what're you doing?" He asked over the sound of your car engine humming.

You turned the key and opened the door. "Sorry, I was in another world." One where I could still pretend at least one of my friends wasn't lying to me.

"You OK?" Natsu looked so innocent. He was all angelic onyx eyes and salmon hair. You couldn't imagine him doing anything bad. Ever.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?"

"Sure. You skipped Lucy's last night. We missed you."

You shrugged, stopping in front of him. "Didn't really feel up to it."

He reached out and stroked his thumb under your eye. "You're not sleeping well either."

"Do I look that bad?"

"No!" He rolled his onyx orbs. "Just a little tired and maybe stressed. Come in."

"Your mom out?"

"Yep, you've got me all to yourself. Go on up and I'll bring chocolate and tea."

He still seemed like your protective Natsu, and it warmed your heart. "You know me so well."

You went upstairs to wait for Natsu and curled up on his bed. Your phone beeped with a text. It was Gray.

Check his drawers. Text BACKUP if you need me and I'll fire up the Bat mobile!

You shook your head, grinning to myself. He was an idiot. You told him that you were going to Natsu's this morning. You completely made up after your fight and were pretending like it never happened. That was fine with you. You didn't want to talk about it.

You punched back a reply. Catwoman doesn't need help. Wait, do you have a Catwoman costume??????

You turned your phone off and laughed quietly at his latest message.

"What're you laughing at?" Natsu asked as he walked into his room with chocolate bars stuffed in his pockets and a cup of tea in each hand.

"Nothing," you replied, sitting up to take your glass. Natsu didn't have a very high opinion of Gray, so you didn't want to start your conversation by talking about him. "Thanks." You sipped your ice cold tea, not caring how it froze your tongue, then set it down on the bedside table.

Natsu's phone beeped. He froze, his face falling before pulling it from his pocket.

Oh God, was he getting messages from the stalker too?

"Everything OK?" You asked.

Grunting as he read the message, he tightened his grip on the phone, his forehead creasing. You wanted to tell him about your texts but you were scared to. You didn't really trust anyone right now. But what if Natsu had received one too?


He lowered his phone and a small smile spread across his face. It didn't reach his eyes. "Sorry, (N/N). I didn't mean to be distracted by my phone. That's rude of me." Clearing his throat, he took a sip of his drink.

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now