Chapter 21

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The car turned out of your sight, and your heart cracked. This wasn't right. To be accused of murder by your own mother?!

But there's evidence.

There were things belonging to Juvia and Lyon in Gray's room, which anyone could have put there. Gray was never on edge or nervous when you were in his room, not once, and he didn't even think of his place in his moms house as his real bedroom. Why would he hide the jewelry there if it was his?

Someone's setting him up.

You sprinted back in the house. "Ur!" You shouted, gripping the doorframe for support and to stop yourself before you fell over.

Ur had her arms around her knees, huddled in her spot on the sofa as she sobbed. You gritted your teeth as anger boiled inside your stomach. She was crying over her son being guilty. Why couldn't she has faith in him? Just once?

Stay calm. You slowly walked over and perched on the arm of the couch, turning to her. "What happened?"

"They found that stuff in his room." She shook her head, wiping her tears. Her face was tearstained and blotchy. "I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it."

"Then don't. I don't believe it. Gray didn't do this and you know it. The police searched the house before and found nothing. It doesn't make sense for him to put their things there now."

"Yes, it does. He thought the searches were done, that it'd be safe now."

You shook your head. "No. Someone must've planted those things to make him look guilty. Gray is being set up, Ur. Who else has been in the house?"

She must have let someone else inside.

"I-I'm not sure. A lot of people have come by to check on me." Her voice cracked and she sobbed again, wiping her tears on the back of her sleeve.

Taking a steadying breath, you asked, "Did Natsu, Lucy, or Jellal come over?"

"They were here after Lyon's funeral."

"But that was the only time?"

She nodded. "Yes, that was it."

You closed your eyes and tried to think back to that day. The police had searched your houses straightaway, well before the funerals. You were together most of the time, but you had been flitting between them and Gray. Who had gone off alone? None of them had really moved from the spot you left them in, and you were never gone too long, but they could have had enough time to get upstairs and back. Which one of them was brave enough—or stupid enough—to do that?

"Why would Gray want to hurt his own brother and uncle?" Ur asked, breaking you away from your loop of questions.

"He didn't. This wasn't him. You have to believe that. Think about it. Someone tips off the police and they miraculously find Lyon's and Juvia's things in Gray's room. It's too convenient. It doesn't make sense for him to have put those there after the first search. He would have dumped them. Please don't give up on him. He needs you."

She buried her head in her knees and gripped her hair. "I have nothing left to give him."

You clenched your jaw and your hands shook. "He's your son, damnit! You have to find some compassion inside you, the same as you would have for Lyon. I'm serious, Ur. He needs you. You can't honestly think it was him."

She frowned, shaking her head. "I don't know. I just...I don't know."

"Whatever." You spat, walking out before you said something that you would regret.

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