Chapter 15

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You fiddled with your fingers as you sat silently in Gray's bedroom.

"Who do you think killed them?" Gray asked, staring up at the ceiling. Neither of you had said a word since you arrived twenty minutes ago. It hadn't taken you long to calm down. Although Gray couldn't find the words to comfort you, he'd had no trouble letting his actions do the talking.

You shrugged. That was a question you asked yourself about a thousand times an hour, and the answer never changed. I don't know. "I don't want it to be any of them."

"You'd prefer it to be me," he whispered, his hand freezing on your knee where he'd been making small circles since you sat down.

"No," you replied. You should've seen that coming. You hated that he felt like an outsider with everyone. As far as you were concerned, he was stuck with you. He was part of your group now. "I should probably want that, but I don't."

He pushed himself up on his elbows and raised an eyebrow. "Of course you do."

"I don't. Honestly. I don't want the killer to be anyone I know. There has to be another explanation."

"But there isn't, is there? We both know Rung was pretty pissed off, but it's not him."

Deep down you knew that, but you couldn't admit it aloud and make it real. "Eventually, you're going to have to accept that one of your friends is the killer."

"Who do you think it is?" You asked. He had said Jellal a couple times before, but Gray's reasons were ridiculous. You thought his suspicions had more to do with the fact that they'd got along the least that night.

"I don't know." He flopped back on the mattress. "No ones saying much. I still think Jellal, but I'm not ruling the other two out just yet."

They have said much, just not to you. You had learned things about your friends recently that had shocked you. Everyone had a reason for wanting to hurt Lyon and Juvia. Should you tell Gray and see if he could figure it out from what you knew? He wasn't as close to the others, so perhaps there was something blindingly obvious that you were missing.

"Gray," you said slowly, still mentally debating whether you should say anything or not. Bad idea, (Y/N).


You couldn't stop yourself. "There are some things about Lucy and Jellal you don't know." You were officially the biggest bitch on the planet.

His expression didn't change. "What things?"

"They had motives," you whispered.

The air turned so thick you thought you were going to choke. You kept forgetting that Gray wasn't just around to help you out; he was a 'person of interest' too and Lyon's brother. "Go on..."

Why had you ever thought it was a good idea to tell him? Of course he was going to think their secrets made them guilty. He wanted someone to pay for Lyon's death and already thought one of them had blood on their hands.

Not only were you a horrible friend, but you were an idiot too.

But you'd gone and told him they had motives, so you couldn't backtrack without him getting suspicious and thinking the worst—of you. He'd probably think you were trying to cover your tracks.

Great, you're completely overthinking.

"Lyon blackmailed me. You resented him," you said, making it clear you each had motives and he couldn't just jump into blaming the others. "Lucy spiked Cana's drink, which forced Juvia to drive the night of the car crash that killed Cana and Erza, and Jellal was having an affair with Juvia." The words left a bitter taste on your tongue.

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now