Chapter 10

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After leaving the cabin, Gray and you dropped the bloodstained packet off to an amused Wright at the police station and then you went back to Gray's house. The second you stepped through the door, you could tell he wanted nothing more than to leave again. He walked slowly into the living room. His mom sat in the same chair where she had spent Lyon's entire wake. The TV was on, but she didn't seem to be watching it. She stared into space, not moving at all. You could only tell she was alive by the rise and fall of her chest.

"Hi, Ur," you said to the statue of his mom. She didn't even blink. You looked to Gray for help.

He shook his head discreetly, his lips thinning. You guessed this empty shell was normal for her now. "Let's go up to my room," he said.

You took a quick glance back at his mom as you followed Gray to the stairs. Her eyes were bloodshot and sunken. Her hair was slick with grease as it stuck to the sides of her head. She looked as if she checked out days ago and just left her body behind.

"Is she okay?" You asked as you reached the top of the stairs and were out of her way, not that she would have acknowledged she'd heard you if you had asked him right in front of her.

"Not really." He pushed the door open and nodded, gesturing for you to go in first.

Wow, he can be a gentleman.

His room was plain and bare. A dull light blue covered the walls, and there was nothing hanging from them to personalize it. The only furniture was a double bed, beside table, and a wardrobe. A flatscreen hung from the opposite wall of the bed, but it looked old, probably secondhand from when they'd replaced another one in the house. You imagined Ur buying a new one for the living room and saying, Oh, we can put the old one is Gray's room, he won't mind. His bedroom reminded me of a cheap motel.

"I've never spent much time here," he explained.

"It's fine." You weren't sure why he felt he had to explain it to you. You didn't care how it looked. "Have you heard from Wright?"

"Nope, but that's hardly surprising since it's been two minutes."

You sat down on the bed. "Alright, I'm impatient!"

"Please, do make yourself at home," he teased. "He does that on purpose, I think."

"What, not contacting us?"

He plopped down on the bed, making you bounce. "Yeah. You'd think he would be on our case twenty-four seven, so he's not. Whatever we expect, he does the opposite."

"Ah, to mess with us. He doesn't seem like a proper detective."

"I dunno," he shrugged. "I'd probably be cocky and arrogant if I were a detective."

You snorted and he rolled his eyes—if he were a detective your ass.

"Moving on," he snapped, amusement clear in his eyes. "What fun activities do you have for us now? Digging up graves? Searching through sewers?"

"Why don't you suggest some options if you don't like what I'm doing?" You could've used the help.

"We could talk to Erza's dad. You know, maybe something he says will tell us more than looking through peoples rubbish."

He absentmindedly reached over and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb as he spoke. You weren't sure if he realized how he was making you feel, but you liked it way too much. Every touch had you feeling like you were falling. You weren't sure if you were falling for him or about to fall because of him. At this point, it could have been either.

"I found blood, didn't I?" You replied, your voice wavering while you tried to keep your hormones in check.

"Probably from a half dead animal, but whatever."

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now