Chapter 6

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Monday, August 17

You could feel all eyes on you and your friends. It'd been that way for the last nine days, since Lyon and Juve were murdered. Your room had been searched and you'd been over your version of events about a thousand times.

People were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but whenever you left the house, people watched you, whispering things like, "There she is," "It can't be her," or "It's usually the nice ones, you know." Women who spent their days drinking tea with your mom while they planned yet another town fundraiser now crossed to the other side of the street when they saw you. It was awful to know so many of your neighbors who'd watched you grow up had written you off as a killer. Written you all off. There were a lot of rumors. The most popular one seemed to be that you all planned it and were now covering your tracks.

Lyon's mom, Ur (idk his real mom, shh), welcomed you into her house for the wake. You'd known Ur for years, so you were confident that she believed you weren't responsible, but Lyon's other relatives seemed quick to judge and assume. Lucy gripped your arm. Since you walked through the door ten minutes ago, she had avoided eye contact with everyone. She was doing nothing to prove your innocence and she didn't seem to care.

You thought the police would want Juvia's and Lyon's bodies longer but apparently not. The healing process could start once you had said goodbye—something your mom swore by. You disagreed. The funeral was the goodbye, but afterward, you had to piece your life back together and find a way of dealing with the absence of that person. After the goodbye was the hardest bit. You had found it so difficult to move on after Erza and Cana and felt like you were the only one of your friends still struggling.

"We shouldn't have come here," Jellal whispered, darting his chocolate eyes around the room. He was nervous and on edge.

You straightened your back. "We have as much right to be here as everyone else. We've done nothing wrong. We might not have been Lyon's Number one fans, but he was Juve's boyfriend. We need to say goodbye too."

"But his goddamn family clearly doesn't want us here," Natsu added, speaking through his teeth.

"We won't stay long. Just long enough to show Ur and Gray we're here for them."

Natsu scoffed. "We should be looking a little closer at Gray."

Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Why's that?"

"Who is the most likely killer, (Y/N)?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. Some crazy guy out in the woods who got in and—"

Jellal sighed. "No one broke in though, (N/N). Natsu's right. It has to be Gray."

"It's not him, Jellal."

His eyes homed in on you. "Why not? What's going on with you two?"

You licked your lips, not wanting to tell them about your night with Gray. You'd have to tell them at some point, but now was not the time. They thought he was the killer and it would probably only add to their suspicion if they knew about you. You were sure you'd get comments about how he only did it to give himself an alibi. "What? Nothings going on. Lyon is his brother. I'm sorry if I don't believe the guy is capable of killing his own brother." You shook your head and gritted your teeth. Why would they want to believe that over someone random?

"They're not close and he clearly didn't like Lyon," Lucy said.

"And we thought he was an amazing guy," you said sarcastically. "Look, let's not do this here. After Juvia's funeral tomorrow, we should do something to honor her. A formal wake isn't what she would want," you said to change the subject.

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