Chapter 19

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Wednesday, August 26

Since Gray and you admitted you'd both received threatening texts, you wanted to check out Lyon's room, in case he had also been getting threats before he died. You didn't have access to Juvia's place, but if you found anything suspicious in Lyon's room, you were going to find a way to get into her house.

"I just don't get it," you said into the phone to Gray while staring up at your ceiling. Mom and Dad were downstairs, and you couldn't handle them constantly questioning if you were okay. You weren't and pretending was draining.

"To be fair, you don't get any of it. Don't yell, because neither of us do."

You ignored him, half because you couldn't be bothered to bicker and half because you knew he didn't mean to make it sound like you were stupid.

"If Lyon and Juvia were being stalked before they died, why wouldn't she tell me? It's a long shot, isn't it."

"Probably, but it's a scenario we should consider. Maybe they figured out who it was and that's why they were killed."

Okay, that made sense. If Lucy, Jellal, and Natsu had been sending threats and Juve and Lyon figured it out, they'd want to shut them up. Maybe something the stalker had sent to Lyon was still in his room. You had kept the texts sent to you.

"So we need to find something that links Lucy, Jellal, or Natsu to evidence we may or may not find in Lyon's room?" You said, putting the phone on speaker so you could lay it down.

"Piece of cake, right?" He said sarcastically.

"I'm scared, Gray. Whoever is sending those messages had made sure we're too scared to show the police. That message said they'd kill me." Betrayal burned like acid. Whoever sent that message didn't care who they hurt, and that made them more dangerous.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Gray asked.

"No, it's okay. I'll be over in a few."

"Alright, see you soon."

You rolled onto your side and ended the call. When you got to Gray's, you would feel better. Something about him made you feel safer. He was big and strong, and you knew he wouldn't let anything happen to you. You might not have known him long, but you trusted him above any of your friends—he was the only one helping. Whether Juvia and Lyon were already dead when Gray and you went upstairs, you didn't know—and you believed that Gray didn't know either.

Since the murders, going outside left you full of nerves, and today was no different. You got ready and slammed the front door as you left. The local knitting club was walking by on their way to the town hall for their weekly meeting. Five old biddies judged you, stopping to get a good look.

Before the murders, they would have stopped to chat and tell you you needed to put some 'meat on your bones.' This time, they whispered to each other, stealing glances at you out of the corner of their eyes.

Mildred, the eldest and brightest-purple rinse of the bunch, was the first one who would usually call you over. Last winter, she knitted you a (f/c) and (s/f/c) striped scarf because you didn't wrap up warm enough, apparently. It hurt that she turned so easily.

People weren't supposed to be guilty until proven innocent. Ignoring them, you got in your car and got the hell away from all the judgmental looks.

Gray was sitting on his front porch when you arrived. "You're waiting for me," you said as you got out of the car.

"Did Lyon have something going on with Erza and/or Cana?"

"Erza and/or Cana? Where did that come from?"

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