Chapter 2

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After about an hour of drinking, you eased off so you wouldn't be flat on your face before it even got dark.

Lyon and Juvia, the only couple, had gone off to his parents' room, as it was the only double, for a bit of privacy, which meant Lyon wanted sex.

Lucy and Natsu were in the kitchen. You could hear her laughing at something he'd said. Jellal had gone to the toilet shortly after Lyon and Juvia went upstairs, which was ages ago, so you vowed never to use that bathroom.

Gray stretched his legs, kicking his booted feet up on the coffee table. He didn't fit in. He drank with you and joined in with conversation when necessary, but he didn't contribute much. There was tension between him and Lyon that went beyond the usual dislike the rest of you had. They stared each other down if one said something the other didn't like. It was awkward and made you want to leave the room.

They clearly didn't get along, so why on earth would Gray invite himself?

"What do you do back home?" You asked, trying to get to know a little more about him other than his favorite alcoholic drink.

"I work here and there," he grunted. Okay, it was like getting blood out of a stone.

"You're not very chatty, are ya?"

He flicked his eyes to you without moving his head. "What's the point?"

"To get to know people, to make friends, to not live like a hermit..." you rewarded him with a charming, toothy smile, which softened his face.

"You think I'm hermit?"

"Aren't you?"

"No," he replied. "I don't spend much time alone at all."

The spark in his eye told you everything. You turned your nose up in disgust. "Different girl every night?"

"Not every night."

Hmm, that didn't make sense—unless his earlier shyness was an act? But why would he pretend to be shy around women? He was obviously proud that he could sleep with practically whomever he wanted.

Your stomach knotted at the thought of him hooking up with loads of girls, which was ridiculous. You weren't in a relationship. You hardly knew him. You pursed your lips. "Previously broken heart or just not grown up yet?"

He frowned. "What?"

"I want to know why you use women."

"Can't it just be that I like sex but don't want a relationship?"

"Not usually." A thought popped into your head. "Ah, don't worry. I get it."

Sighing, he asked, "Get what?"

"Get why."

He rubbed his forehead in exasperation and muttered, "Women... What do you think you get,

"You don't want a relationship because you lived through your parents' less-than-amicable divorce. You're scared of history repeating itself with you."

He sat frozen for a minute, his face falling, and you knew you'd hit the nail on the head.

(Y/N) one.

Gray zero.

A moment of silence stretched on, and you fiddled with your fingers. Gray narrowed his eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about. I haven't met anyone I wanted to see exclusively, that's all."

"Whatever you say," you muttered.

His glare turned colder.

Damn it. Your stomach turned with guilt. "I'm sorry, Gray. I didn't mean to offend you."

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now