Chapter 24

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Your instructions were to come alone if you wanted the truth, and more than anything, you wanted the truth for Juvia and Lyon. You put the phone down with trembling hands and sobbed as the realization hit you. Your friend was a murderer. Creeping out of your room, you made your way downstairs and out of the house. Walking wouldn't take long. You contemplated calling Gray, but you couldn't risk anyone else getting hurt. Your legs carried you forward on autopilot, and you were convinced you were living someone else's life. The house came into view, and you sucked in a deep breath.

The front door was unlocked, so you walked straight in. The eyes that stared at you were the same onyx ones that you loved so much, but they've aged. They'd lost their innocence.

"Natsu," you said, not sure how to go on. You must've missed the chapter in the friend handbook on how to deal with a murderer. He didn't move from his spot on the sofa. "Why?" You whispered, taking a few steps forward.

"They're all on their way," he said in a monotone that didn't sound at all like him.

The closer you got, the stronger you smelled the harsh scent of brandy on his breath. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Not nearly enough."

"You told Jellal and Lucy to come over as well?"

Why the hell was I so calm?

"And I asked Gray. I only want to explain this once."

He was going to have to explain it a few more times for Wright. Unless Natsu was saying he didn't intend on handing himself in. All this time, he had allowed you to be interrogated and sat back to cover his own ass. You could never do that to someone you cared about.

"Why did you call Gray too? You don't need to explain this to him." You tell him. The thought of Gray being around this made you sick. Natsu hates him, and Gray was bound to be angry.

His mouth thinned into a straight line. "I'll explain when they're here."

"Natsu," you whispered.

"Don't look at me like that, (Y/N)."

He'd killed your best friend and he honestly expected you to see him the same way? He was nuts. "How should I look at you then?"

"I don't know. Just not like you hate me."

You almost laughed. That was brilliant in a completely humorless way.

"(Y/N)?" Gray shouted and burst through the door like he was starting in Mission Impossible. "You okay?" He asked, scanning your whole body to make sure.

"I'm fine." You were anything but fine, but you felt stronger now that he was here.

Gray's posture turned to stone as he turned his attention to Natsu. He may not have been close to Lyon, but he loved him as his brother, and Gray looked like he wanted to rip Natsu's head off.

You positioned yourself between them in the small living room and pleaded with Gray to stand down. He didn't move or say a word, but his steely gaze never left Natsu.

Lucy and Jellal arrived together minutes later. They both stopped just inside the door, and both looked as pale as a ghost. Jellal shook his head. "What's going on, man? Tell me this is just a sick joke."

Natsu stood up and properly acknowledged your presence for the first time since Gray had made his grand entrance. You took a step back. The expression on his face made your stomach flip over in the worst way.

"It's not a joke, Jellal," Natsu replied.

Lucy let out a sob and pressed her hand to her mouth. "Why?" She muttered against her palm.

Blood Seeker {Gray Fullbuster x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now